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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Geeking Out About Gaming #1: Multiversus Future Unlockable Ideas


Here's an article that I admittedly decided to throw together last minute with the release of Multiversus. This is simply so that I may air out some ideas that I have floating around in my brain in regards to the game's utilization of various Warner Bros. IPs for its roster. So without further ado, let's see what we can come up with that the game hasn't, likely won't, or already have but won't release it until later down the road. 

First off, let it be known that I think the current interface and economy system of Multiversus does need a bit of a more simplified re-packaging. Also, in a more ideal version of the game, each character will have their own progression path that is jam packed with franchise referencing unlockables (cosmetically and ability-wise). This would reward players more frequently for spending time with their favorite characters adding to the fulfillment factor that the game is currently slightly lacking. 

Here's how my version of individual character progression would go:

Level 1 - Starting Point
Level 2 - Perk/Fighter Currency
Level 3 - Cosmetic Attachment
Level 4 - Character Exclusive Perk
Level 5 - New Ability
Level 6 - Perk/Fighter Currency
Level 7 - Cosmetic Attachment
Level 8 - Character Exclusive Perk
Level 9 - New Ability
Level 10 - New Skin
Level 11 - Cosmetic Attachment
Level 12 - ....Continue The Cycle

So instead of grinding for hours just to get a skin or piece of questionable currency, you're also unlocking individual cosmetic attachments and abilities to the characters as you progress with your chosen fighter (or you can purchase the full skin or ability packs in the store to support the game). Now with that context out of the way, let's dive into some fun ideas for character unlocks.

New Character Unlockable Ideas 

1. Jason Vorhees

Cosmetic Unlocks

Cosmetic Attachment: 80s Style Guitar
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part VIII kill scene
-Replaces axe

Cosmetic Attachment: Freddy's Glove
Franchise Reference: Freddy Vs. Jason
-Alternate versions have it hanging off to his side of his waste or sticking out of his chest

Cosmetic Attachment: History of Jason Masks 
Franchise Reference: The Entire Franchise
-All various masks from the different movies unlocks individually through progression and can be worn with any skin

Skin: Sackhead Killer
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part II
-Jason has a whole new makeup with the potato sack mask, jumpsuit ,and flannel aesthetic from Friday the 13th: Part II

Skin: Professional Hunter
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th: Part VI
-Jason sports his Part VI attire with the gloves and tool kit

Skin: Zombie Jason
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th: Part VII
-Jason has both the masked and unmasked version of his zombified look from Friday the 13th Part VII: A New Blood

Skin: Manhattan Murderer
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part VIII
-Jason sports his all-black, tattered, and slimy look from Jason Takes Manhattan

New Ability Unlocks

New Ground Attack: Weed Whacker 
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part VII kill scene
-Jason walks forward with a weed whacker on the floor attacking anyone in his path. Attack can be held down for a moment or cancelled out

New Range Attack: Crossbow Shot
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part III kill scene
-Jason fires a crossbow and is able to aim it with a target reticle. Arrowhead has knock back capabilities and ring out potential with a unique perk unlock similar to Wonder Woman's lasso perk.

New Grab Move: Spear Assault
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part VI kill scene
-Jason sticks his spear in opponent and throws them backwards. This attack replaces the current "No Escape" upwards hatchet swing that typically catches opponent. 

New Grab Move: Take Your Best Shot
Franchise Reference: Friday the 13th Part VIII kill scene
-Jason grabs opponent and delivers a devastating punch that knocks them back

2. Batman

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: BTAS
Franchise Reference: Batman: The Animated Series

Skin: The Brave and the Bold
Franchise Reference: Batman: The Brave and the Bold

Skin: Batman Beyond
Franchise Reference: Batman Beyond

Skin: 60s Batman
Franchise Reference: Adam West Batman TV Series

Skin: Ice To Meet You
Franchise Reference: Batman & Robin Movie
Batman's Questionable Ice Themed Suit

Skin: Lego Batman
Franchise Reference: The Lego Batman Movie

Skin: The Dark Knight
Franchise Reference: The Dark Knight Movie Trilogy

Skin: Armored Batman
Franchise Reference: The Dark Knight Returns

Skin: Arkham Batman Skin
Franchise Reference: Batman: Arkman Knight

Skin: Apocalyptic Knightmare
Franchise Reference: Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
Trench coat design from Batman V Superman's nightmare scene

Skin: Vengeance
Franchise Reference: The Batman Movie (Robert Patterson)

New Theoretical Character Ideas 

Lord of the Rings (Owned by WB??)

1. Legolas

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
-Long range arrow attacks of various impact and frequency makes up many of Legolas's attacks layout.

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Legolas pulls out two daggers and performs acrobatic-like slashes towards the opponent. 

Dash Attack: Orc Slayer
Franchise Reference: 
-Legolas dashes forward unveiling an elven sword performing two slash attacks with a follow up maneuver showing him spinning backwards and rapid firing two arrows at the opponent. 

Projectile: Greenleaf
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Legolas fires off a light damage arrow projectile and can fire off several back to back with minimal cooldown meter. 

Projectile: Counting Each Kill
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-While charging this attack, Legolas goes into a firing stance with his bow and arrow. Once fully charged, the arrow tip glimmers with a small lenses flare effect and is ready to be released. Upon release, Legolas fires a powerful arrow that cannot be directly dodged and does heavy damage to opponent. This projectile also has armor breaking capabilities.

Projectile: And You Have My Bow
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-While landing from a jump, Legolas can toss a shield to the ground sliding on it across the stage as he fires off multiple arrows at the opponent automatically aiming in their direction no matter where they move to. Each arrow does standard projectile damage once hit and is being fired off numerously before either the ability timer runs out, the player cancels out of it, or the opponent is able to knock Legolas out of this mode. This move can only be activated while Legolas is landing from a jump and provides light armor around him.

Unique Character Trait: Elven Biology
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Legolas's base movement while jumping is one filled with acrobatics and includes auto-dodge capabilities if timed correctly. By double jumping at the right time Legolas auto-dodges without using the dodge button or having to contend with a cooldown meter.

This allows him to casually evade any standard projectile that's fired against him considering that the player times their double jumps as the projectile is about to hit them. This ability however does not work on charged attacks. Legolas' normal dodge meter lasts longer than most fighters in the game allowing him plenty of evasive maneuverability. It's this particular ability that allows him to stand out from the roster as the perfect choice for anyone who prefers to focus a lot on maneuverability and platforming with their fighting style.

2. Sauron 

Cosmetic Unlocks

Cosmetic Attachment: Sword of Sauron
Franchise Reference: Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Deleted Scene)
-Replaces Sauron's mace

Skin The Deceiver (Elf Form)
Franchise Reference: Shadow of Mordor Video Game & Tolkien Mythology

Skin: The Witch King 
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Fighter Move List Idea

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Sauron swings his mace 3 times at the opponent with the final hit dealing heavy knock back impact. This is a great combo to use as a ring out finisher. 

Defense: Shadow of The Necromancer
Franchise Reference: The Desolation of Smaug
-Sauron can transform into a shadowy misty form of himself that cannot be harmed by base level physical attacks. The player can tap in and out of this form with a short cooldown timer in between. However, this form can be cancelled out by the opponent through being hit by multiple base level projectiles, one charged projectile, certain special defense moves/attacks, or a charged attack (like Wonder Woman's charged sword attack or Jason charged axe swing). 

While in this form, Sauron is not able to harm the opponent and simply becomes intangible to their base attacks which is a great way to strategically evade enemy players that utilize heavy combos in their fighting style. He is able to move around in this form and can even pass through the opponent allowing the player to turn the tables around on an enemy mid-combo by phasing through their attacks and solidifying back to counter them from behind.

Summon Ability: Servants of the Dark Lord
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy & Tolkien Mythology
-When holding down a particular button, Sauron can summon 2 Orc soldiers to attack the nearest opponents with light sword attacks. These are fairly easy to take out by the opponent and are more of a distracting nuisance to them than a major physical threat. However, if given the opportunity to hold longer, which causes shadows and fire to appear beneath him, Sauron can instead summon two Nazgûl fighters who are much more faster and deliver slightly heavier damage as they chase the player with their swords. 

The Nazgûl attack with the same basic combo as Sauron's mace attacks and deals the same damage. A perk called Fear of The Black Riders gives the Nazgûl a fear buff that puts every opponent on the map briefly in a state of paralyzing fear upon their initial summon. This perk works well to allow the Nazgûl a head start to attack the opponent freely depending on how far they are. Or, if in a 2V2 situation, can give the player's ally an opportunity to attack the one of the opponents freely who are briefly paralyzed in fear. 

Projectile: Power of the Dark Lord
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Sauron can charge an attack with his mace which sends a medium range shock wave that deals heavy knock back impact. 

Trap: One Ring To Rule Them All
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Sauron holds out his hand wielding "the One Ring", and if the opponent is within close-medium range, they're immediately thrown into a temporary daze allowing Sauron a free attack. This move has a long cooldown time to help with character balancing but it's a fantastic way to turn the tables around on a fight.

Trap: The Eye of Sauron
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Sauron temporarily transforms into a flaming eye shining a light beam forward for a few seconds causing anyone in front of him to be paralyzed while losing health. After the opponent is free from this trap, there is still lasting minor chip damage that stays with them afterwards for a little while.This move cannot be dodged directly although it can be jumped over or teleported around (for characters that have this ability).

Also, some characters that have shield/armor capabilities (like Black Adam or Wonder Woman) can be shielded by the gaze avoiding the spell but the shield/armor will take heavy damage until shattering completely if they remain in the light. And as formidable as this move may be, Sauron himself isn't able to move during this form. So there's the risk of an opponent managing to jump over the light beam just in time allowing them the opportunity to punish a vulnerable Sauron before he can cancel out of the form. The same goes for a shielded or armored opponent who isn't affected by the spell and can attack Sauron head on despite their armor weakening significantly. 

3. Gandalf

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: Gandalf The White 
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Skin: Sauraman The White Wizard 
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type: 
-Most of Gandalf's attacks involve projectiles from his staff and being stationary.

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Gandalf uses a combination of his staff and sword as melee weapons in a combo string. 

Dash Attack: Defeater of Durin's Bane 
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-While Power of the Istari mode is activated, Gandalf can charge up his sword with additional lighting which unlocks his forward dash attack. Gandalf steps forward with a single stab strike filled with magical lightning surrounding him dealing a significant amount of damage to the opponent (his most powerful attack). 

The downside however is that Gandalf can only use this move once Power of the Istari mode is activated. Also, using this dash forward attack snaps him out of this mode completely whether or not the move hits the opponent. It's a bit of a pick and choose situation for the player to either stick to the melee combo upgrade that Power of the Istari offers at its base level until the timer runs out or charge up to deliver a powerful single dash strike that can be an effective match ender. 

Defense: "You Shall Not Pass!"
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Gandalf slams his magical staff to the ground creating a magical force field around him while being stationary holding it. Gandalf is not able to move around while using this ability however no combo attacks nor basic projectiles can get through it. A charged attack however will break the shield forcing the player into a long cooldown timer before they can use it again. 

There's a special perk for this shield called "Servant of the Secret Fire" which allows Gandalf's magical shield to automatically knock back the opponent in an explosive white fire if they're near enough. For example, if Wonder Woman hits the shield with a sword slash, or Shaggy with a punch, the shield explodes in a magical fiery blaze knocking them back significantly with heavy damage. However, a charged up range attack can still destroy it with no problem. 

Defense: A Wizard's Trick
Franchise Reference: The Desolation of Smaug
-Gandalf teleports in a white flash of light away from the opponent and somewhere within the map (his teleport can never accidentally take the player off the stage). 

Projectile: Magic Push
Franchise Reference: The Desolation of Smaug
-Gandalf charged his staff and emits a force blast sending an opponent backwards with strong knock back impact

Projectile: Blinding Light
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Gadalf uses his staff to emit a flashing light causing the opponent in close or medium range to be put in a temporary daze opening them up for a free attack.

Maneuverability: The Eagles
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-If rung out of the stage, Gandalf has a one-time use ability that allows him to safely return to the stage via summoning giant eagles which flies him back. Gandalf has armor during this animation until he lands on the stage. His health improves 20% upon return and the ring out doesn't count. But again...this can only be used once per match. 

Unique Character Trait: Power of the Istari
Franchise Reference: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
-Gandalf can summon lightning to his sword which temporarily turns his basic melee staff attacks into electrified sword strikes with a slightly higher damage count. Not only are these attacks stronger than Gandalf's base melee combos, but each attack also has a 50% chance of briefly shocking the opponent. This mode lasts for a little while until the energy dissipates bringing Gandalf back to his base combo set starting the cooldown timer. 

Power of the Istari mode also allows Gandalf to unlock his forward dash attack "Defeater of Durin's Bane" by charging up his sword with more magical lightning energy from above until an electrical surge emits from the blade signifying that the dash attack is now ready. If the player decides not to use the special dash attack that is unlocked, they can continue to use this mode's sword combos that now have slightly more shock damage if the opponent gets electrified by a sword slash. 

Cartoon Network (Owned by WB)

1. Samurai Jack

Franchise Reference: Samurai Jack

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: Broken Samurai 
Franchise Reference: Season 5 
-This would be the long haired tattered look of Jack that was heavily marketed and utilized for the show's Adult Swim resurgence

Skin: Rave Jack
Franchise Reference: "Jack & The Rave" Episode 
-This was the episode that popularly gave Jack a goofy rave aesthetic

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type: 
-A player using Jack efficiently will be more strategic in their timing of attacks as Jack uses very swift attacks and isn't particularly a brawler type to casually leap around with a string of combos like Wonder Woman. His style is a little more akin to Arya's in a sense where it's all about patiently finding the best opportunities to strike.

Stationary Attack: Deadly Samurai
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-While holding the down button and square, Jack goes into a stance closing his eyes and holding onto the handle of his blade ready to unsheathe it. When the player decides to release the buttons, a small lenses flare effect appears around the blade as he pulls it out and Jack swiftly dishes out multiple sword slashes in front of him without moving. This is a move that requires patience and timing, but the damage dealt is notable.

With a similar effect to when opponents get hit with Bugs Bunny's rolling punches, Jack's sword slashes puts the opponent in a state of being bombarded and juggled by the attacks. This move cannot be directly dodged and it can also break through armor eventually during the final few sword swings. However this stance is a little risky as players will have to time their attack or cancel out of it if being put in a compromised position. 

This is likely a perfect move to hit opponents that are landing towards you from a recent jump or perhaps attacking someone who has been temporarily trapped by something else. 

Dash Attack: Swift Justice
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Jack does a forward-dash sword slash that delivers high damage with a line going across the screen briefly to depict the impact just as it did in the animated series.

Defense Master Swordsman
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-When holding the dodge button, Jack steps into a special stance where he has the ability to block any string of combos with his sword for a small duration of time. However, there is a cooldown meter for this ability once the player steps out of the stance. And although his health meter is saved from incoming attacks, Jack can still be pushed back slightly. Also this move only works on base combos and not charged attacks or projectiles. 

Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Ability to swiftly run across the screen for dash attacks or leap around effectively for quick navigation

2. Aku

Franchise Reference: Samurai Jack

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Shape-shifting abilities and trickery makes up the most of Aku's move set.

3. Dexter

Franchise Reference: Dexter's Laboratory

Cosmetic Unlocks

Cosmetic Attachment: Robo-Dexo 3000  
Franchise Reference: "Robo-Dexo 3000" Episode
-Dexter's giant robot ability has an alternate skin that can be unlocked which was shown once in the episode "Robo-Dexo 3000"

Cosmetic Attachment: Go Dexter's Family, Go! 
Franchise Reference: "Last But Not Beast" Episode
-Dexter's giant robot ability has an alternate skin that can be unlocked which was shown once in the episode "Last But Not Beast" where Dexter's family joins him in a Voltron inspired mech combination kaiju scene. 

Skin: Action Dexter
Franchise Reference: Ego Trip Movie 
-The version of Dexter that pits him as a large, muscular action hero from the future

Skin: Number 12
Franchise Reference: Ego Trip Movie 
-The version of Dexter that pits him as a cowardly young adult from the future as Mandark's employee

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type: 
-Technologically driven fighter similar to Rick & Morty.

Basic Combos:
-Dexter swings around a wrench at the opponent then finishes with a quick electrical burst from a small handheld zapper. 

Summon Ability: Justice Friends, Assemble!
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Can call the Justice Friends for various attacks (Major Glory for an air attack, Valhallen for a projectile lightning blast, and The Infraggable Krunk for a grab attack) with a quick push of a button from his remote control.

Summon Ability: Ultrabot 2000 & Mom-Droid 1000
Franchise Reference: "Ultrajerk 2000" & "Maternal Combat" Episodes
-Dexter can summon a small robot named Ultrabot 2000 that rides around the stage firing standard damage laser beams. If held down and charged, Dexter instead summons a robot named Mom-Droid 1000 that also rides around the stage but fires stronger damage lasers and has standard damage combo capabilities. Ultrabot 2000 can be taken out fairly easily with a standard damage attack but Mom-Droid 1000 requires a little more damage before being destroyed. 

Projectile: Laser Canon
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Pulls out a large high tech laser gun (as shown in the series) that can charge up and fire a high damage projectile beam. 

Projectile: Laser Guns
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes of Dexter
-Dexter uses different laser guns from the series based on the direction in which the player is aiming. 

Projectile: Animal Atomizer
Franchise Reference: "Changes" Episode
-Dexter uses a special device from the series called an Animal Atomizer which can turn the opponent into a random animal. The animal form wears off eventually and can only run around while using a severely weak base attack.

Trap: Backwards Belt
Franchise Reference: "Sdrawkcab" Episode
-Dexter tosses a belt at the opponent causing them to walk backwards 8 steps towards the edge of the stage. This move can be dodged and struggled out of once attached by pressing any button repeatedly. Also, once the opponent is off the stage, no matter how many steps were left, the belt's hold immediately wears off and they have full autonomy again. The same can be said if the amount of steps reaches its max and the opponent didn't fall off the stage.

Not only is this a great ring out opportunity opener for Dexter players to set up opponents, it's also a good way to keep distance between the fight for range attacks. 

Trap: Botanical Booster
Franchise Reference: "You Vegetabelieve It!" Episode
-Dexter pours a special potion in the ground which traps the opponent in a monstrous vine doing gradual damage. The opponent can struggle out of it eventually.

Trap: Laser Turret
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Dexter plants down a laser turret that fires at opponents whenever they draw near to it. The turret disappears if Dexter decides to use the move again once activated forcing the player to have just one turret on the field at a given time. There's a short cooldown period between each turret activation. A later perk allows Dexter to plant two at a time with a longer cool down period once both are planted. 

The opponent can destroy these fairly easily but the turrets allow for Dexter to strategize against a distracted opponent throwing them off their game while chipping away at their health. 

Transformation: Robo-Dexo 2000
Franchise Reference: "The Big Sister" Episode
-Has the ability to hop inside of a mech (as seen in the show) for a short time being able to fire devastating laser projectiles and missiles while also having new melee attacks that are much stronger than his standard attacks. This mech form also unlocks flight to Dexter's maneuverability. However, as powerful as this form may be, if the opponent manages to dodge every single one of the player's attacks as Robo-Dexo, once this form's timer runs out and Dexter leaps out, he's stuck in a state of angrily crying on the ground for 3 seconds. 

So it's a bit of a high risk-reward move if you're playing against someone who's really good at maneuverability that can dodge the mech's many attacks then exploit you in that 3 second state afterwards. However, if you're playing against a casual opponent who may not be a dodging and movement expert, you'll have a pretty strong certainty of getting a ring out or close to it from the mech's powerful abilities.

4. Power Puff Girls (Might've Been Confirmed Already)

Franchise Reference: Power Puff Girls

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: Rowdyruff Boys Skin
Franchise Reference: " Rowdyruff Boys" Episode 

5. Ben Tennyson

Franchise Reference: Ben 10

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Able to transform into different aliens for different unique attacks

6. Chowder

Franchise Reference: Chowder

Cosmetic Unlocks

Ring Out Animation: Food Transition
Franchise Reference: Typical Episode of Chowder
-During the series, whenever the episode is transitioning to a new scene, there's usually an artistic display of food filling the screen then moving away to reveal the next scene. This idea can be used as a final ring out in the match if Chowder wins (instead of during a match as it would be unfairly distracting to opponents). 

Ring Out Animation: Kiwi's Commentary
Franchise Reference: Typical Episode of Chowder
-During the series, often times they'd use this stop motion character named Kiwi to make a quick commentary on what's happening in the episode before moving onto the next scene. For the game, whenever Chowder rings out someone you can have Kiwi show up on the side of the screen flailing his arms around as he does on the show.

Cosmetic Attachment: Rolling Pin
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Rolling Pin replaces frying pan for combo attacks. 

Skin: Chef Chowder
Franchise Reference: "Chowder's Catering Company" Episode
-Chowder sports a waiter's outfit and a fake small mustache

Skin: Mariachi Chowder
Franchise Reference: "The Fire Breather" Episode
-Chowder sports a mariachi inspired outfit just as shown in the episode. This skin also turns his dialogue into a Spanish just like the episode. 

Skin: 80s Dancer Chowder
Franchise Reference: "Sheboodles!" Episode
-Chowder sports the 80s inspired dance outfit with a new hairstyle and suit

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type: 
-Food based attacks featuring different projectiles and traps that Chowder whips up and tosses at the enemy with different effects. This is a great character for more strategic players who focuses on keeping the opponent constantly busy and distracted with the help of perfectly placed and timed abilities. 

Basic Combos
Franchise Reference:  "Chowder's Catering Company" Episode
-Chowder wildly and anxiously swings around a frying pan at the opponent. 

Dash Attack: "Florentine Dash"
Franchise Reference: "The Poultrygeist" Episode
-Once Chowder activates Florentine mode, this unlocks his dash attack where he hovers then swiftly dashes forward at the opponent having strong knock back impact. The player can perform this dash attack whenever and how many times they want while in Florentine mode. It's also a good move to use for maneuverability considering Chowder travels a pretty good distance with it and is quite fast while dashing (the dash can also be performed while in the air). 

Fun little nod to the fans: Whenever Chowder does this dash, he utters the catch phrase from the episode doing this same move "Ptoo Fwoosh!" (or however you'd spell it).

Summon Ability: Broccoli Monster!
 Franchise Reference: "Shnitzel Quits" Episode
-Chowder pulls out a bowl and pours out a glop of green liquid on the floor which becomes a giant broccoli monster shooting fire out of its mouth. This monster is stationary and fires only in the direction that it's facing for a short time until it eventually melts down on its own. Any opponent caught within the fire stream will receive continuous fire damage but can still move around jumping out of it. 

This monster's fire breath cannot be interrupted by any attacks but can be destroyed after receiving a certain amount of damage. 

Summon Ability: Rada! Rada!
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Chowder can call for help temporarily summoning the character Shnitzel from the series who chases after and attacks the nearest opponent with a rolling pin. This is a powerful attack that has strong knock back impact. However Schnitzel can be taken out pretty easily by a base combo string or one charged attack since he isn't able to block or dodge. And for comedic effect, for anyone who watches the cartoon, Schnitzel is angrily yelling "Rada rada rada!" the whole time that he's chasing the opponent.  

Projectile: Heavy Sleeper
Franchise Reference: "The Heavy Sleeper" Episode
-Chowder pulls out a pot and splashes a special type of milk called Blormed Milk at the opponent that places them in an immediate sleep daze for a few seconds. 

Projectile: Chillado Smoothie 
Franchise Reference: "The Brain Freeze" Episode
-Chowder pulls out a cup of blue colored glittering smoothie, takes the lid off, and tosses it at the opponent at short range causing them to instantly become frozen in a block of ice. 

Projectile: Puckerberry
Franchise Reference: "The Puckerberry Overlords" Episode
-Chowder throws a large lemon-like fruit at the opponent which causes them to briefly implode into a green vortex causing damage to their health then spat back out in the same spot.

Projectile: Dancing Diablos
Franchise Reference: "The Fire Breather" Episode
-Chowder pulls out a flaming hot pepper and throws it at the opponent causing immediate fire damage when landed in a small fiery explosion. Just like in the episode of the series, the pepper has a face with a crazy expression and yells out maniacally.

When charged, instead of throwing the pepper, Chowder eats it causing his face to gradually turn hot red resulting in a huge fiery blast coming from his mouth. This blast cannot be directly dodged unlike the base version of the pepper toss and does a great deal of damage that can break armor. Chowder remains stationary while doing this attack which makes him vulnerable to anyone who jumps over it or is attacking from behind. This move can be cancelled out while his face is slowly changing red.

Projectile: That's Disgusting!
Franchise Reference: "The Poultrygeist" Episode
-Once Chowder activates Florentine mode, this unlocks another projectile in his arsenal where he vomits out a stream of green goop onto the opponent that slows them down significantly. The projectile itself does no damage but is a great way to open up an opportunity for a free attack. This projectile can only be used once while in this mode to account for balancing. 

Trap: Crazy Fruit
Franchise Reference: "The Belgian Waffle Slobber-Barker" Episode
-Chowder tosses a particularly bizarre looking fruit sporting a freaky face onto the floor that slowly rolls in the direction that it was thrown. If the opponent lands on top of it, or directly besides it, they immediately react in a brief jolt of fear opening them for an attack. The fruit lasts for a little while on the map slowly rolling until it reaches the edge of the map and eventually puffs away. 

Trap: Flam-O-Burgers
Franchise Reference: "Chowder Grows Up" Episode
-Chowder tosses a flaming burger like a grenade which causes light fire damage when landed directly on the opponent or stepped over as it falls to the ground. The flaming burger remains on the ground for a short period of time and cannot be picked up by anyone before puffing away. Additionally, if Chowder throws another flaming burger next to it, the two being close enough immediately creates a large explosion (just as seen on the cartoon).  

The cooldown timer only starts once the player tosses two burgers down. The options are open to the player to either have two temporary light fire damage traps on the map in whatever chosen locations or to create a well timed explosion before the first burger puffs away. The explosion has strong knock back impact and is high damage. 

Trap: Burple Nurples
Franchise Reference: "Burple Nurples" Episode
-Chowder places a tray of Burple Nurples (a purple colored poisonous snack) on the ground, and any opponent who walks over them, will automatically pick it up and eat it receiving poison damage for a short time. As a fun nod to the show, once the Burple Nurples are placed on the ground, you can hear them utter the phrase from the series "You...will...DIE". 

Maneuverability: Kimchi
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Chowder can hover upwards briefly due to his gas companion (if you've seen the show you know what I mean).

Transformation: Florentine Possession
Franchise Reference: ""The Poultrygeist" Episode
-Chowder pulls out a plate with a glowing green chicken and eats it causing him to change into a sickly green color. While in this mode, Chowder unlocks two highly effective moves which are his forward dash attack "Florentine Dash" and a projectile vomit attack called "That's Disgusting!"This form is on a timer and will eventually wear off (or if the player gets rung out). 

Character Personality
-Chowder, similarly to Freakazoid, breaks the 4th wall with hilarious reactions to certain things in the game. However, unlike Freakazoid who focuses more on pop culture references and adult oriented commentary towards the characters and possibly game studios, Chowder makes funny and charming childlike observations to the game’s mechanics, stages, and other character designs. 

Hilariously, if Chowder gets rung out, he screams in the same manner that he does in the show whenever he’s freaking out over something. 

7. The Grim Reaper

Franchise Reference: Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
-Honestly, there are several supernatural feats that you can pull from the show with many of them being summon related and magic-based attacks. Grim quite literally, from the mythos of the cartoon, has a trunk full of several magic-based items that can be mined for cool combat mechanics. 

Basic Combos: Scythe Attacks
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Grim uses his scythe as a close range weapon attack however these are not particularly powerful as Grim's strengths lie within the more magic based abilities.

Trap: Hands of the Underworld
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Grim summons giant skeleton hands from the ground to temporarily hold opponent in place allowing him a free attack on the opponent. The player can hold down this move to decided where the hands will appear similar to Bugs Bunny's digging. Once caught, the opponent can slowly struggle out of the trap by pressing any button repeatedly.

8. Hoss Delgado

Franchise Reference: Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Brawler and tech-based fighting style

-Hoss uses various weapons from his hand replacement substitutes as seen on the cartoon. Just picture a more technologically upgraded Ash Williams from Evil Dead who's a lot better at fighting. 

9. Blue Falcon & Dynomutt

Franchise Reference: Dynomutt, Dog Wonder

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Fights as a duo like Tom & Jerry where Dynomutt becomes a tech-based weapon for Blue Falcon as he takes on a more Batman-like tactical fighter role. 

10. Number 1

Franchise Reference: Kids Next Door

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-A gadget-based fighter with several uses of technology centered attacks. There are lots of fun gadgets from the series that you can incorporate with his move set.

Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Rocket boosters allow Number 1 to fly around the stage in quick bursts

11. Rex Salazar

Franchise Reference: Generation Rex

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
-A combination of shape shifting and tech based attacks.

12. Lion-O

Franchise Reference: ThunderCats

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: 2011 ThunderCats Lion-O
Franchise Reference: ThunderCats (2011) Series

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
-Similar to Wonder Woman, Lion-O can be played with a brawler type mentality going head on close range with unrelenting combos and pressure against the opponent. 

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Lion-O utilizes a string of sword swinging combos and can charge his sword up for more devastating blows.

DefenseForce Shield
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Lion-O can summon a force shield around him thanks to the Sword of Omens that temporarily covers him as he remains in one position not being able to move while activating the shield. Nothing can penetrate through it, but it can be weakened fairly easily with any standard combo or projectile until it dissipates. Lion-O can cancel the shield at any time before it dissipates putting the player back into the action. 

Defense: Claw Shield
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Lion-O uses his claw shield to defend against projectiles and other attacks. Player holds down the dodge button which puts Lion-O in a stance using the shield to block against incoming attacks. While the shield cannot protect the player against knock back impact, it does cut the damage being received by half. This ability has a cooldown timer that refills quickly and encourages players using Lion-O to get into a more close range and bold combat style. 

This shield cannot defend against certain special abilities and elemental effects like fire and ice and instead only works against direct physical attacks thrown at Lion-O. 

Projectile: Sword of Omens
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-The Sword of Omens can fire a projectile energy blast that can either stun an opponent or, if charged, can blast them with an explosive knock back effect dealing high damage.

Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Lion-O possesses more agility than most, if not all, fighters when it comes to base movement without dash attacks and abilities being triggered. His base level jumping is also higher and further than most fighters.

Maneuverability: Claw Grapple Hook
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Lion-O fires off a grappling hook from the Claw Shield which automatically latches onto the nearest platform above the stage. This move can be triggered while on ground or in mid-air by simply holding the jump button. If Lion-O is falling off of the stage, this move can be fired to bring him back into the stage. However, there's no armor given to the player during their traversal which means they're open to an attack by the opponent. 

This move can be cancelled at any time making for some strategic use of it evading players looking to take advantage of the lack of armor. 

Unique Character Trait: ThunderCats Oooh!
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-With the sword's unique shifting ability, the player can extend the blade's length allowing for medium range damage potential to be given to basic combo attacks. Lion-O has temporary armor while extending the blade's length. A cool down timer eventually triggers retracting the blade to its normal length. 

Unique Character Trait: Sight Beyond Sight
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-When Lion-O's "sight beyond sight" ability is activated, Lion-O counters any opponents' abilities that relate to hiding or disappearing for a period of time. For example, if Batman is using his smoke bomb ability, sight beyond sight's activation forces him out of it removing any buffs that he would've had while in it. If Bugs Bunny is hiding underneath the map digging, and the opponent decides to try and ambush Lion-O from beneath during sight beyond sight, Lion-O auto-counters Bugs Bunny's attack when he comes up from beneath him.

The same can be said for Jason’s teleportation attack which Lion-O would auto counter knocking him back in addition to canceling Sauron's necromancer form. This is a great ability to trigger against players that utilizes a more trickster-based play style that involves staying hidden or cloaked in some fashion. The activation timer extends for a pretty good while but there is a cooldown meter that eventually appears for a short time. 

13. T-Bone & Razor

Franchise Reference: SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: Mechanics Alter Ego
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Another dynamic duo fighter type allowing for some interesting combo animations or you can have T-Bone be the main one physically fighting who calls out Razor during more tech-based attacks

-Gadget based attacks including various projectiles utilizing the show's different vigilante weapons that they have in their arsenal 

Summon: Turbokat
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-The ability to call the Turbokat jet to strike down a barrage of missiles at the opponent(s). 

14. Freakazoid

Franchise Reference: Freakazoid!

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-This one's a bit of a doozy to work through and would be an absolute joy to create. There are several things that you can do from this character's particularly goofy, cartoony antics and unique 4th wall breaking sensibilities. I wasn't able to come up with too many things surrounding him as I simply didn't have time to fish through the episodes but I do believe there's a lot of potential to mine from him allowing him to standout from the roster in a major way. 

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Standard punches and kicks with the occasional use of a huge mallet.

Grab: "Say Grandma Moses Makes Munchy Meat Most Monday Mornings"
Franchise Reference: "Pilot" Episode
-Freakazoid slams opponent to the ground placing them in a leg lock. The animation shows the opponent flailing their arms around in pain tapping out. What makes this grab distinct is that the player can hold the opponent in this move doing continuous damage and it's up to the opponent to struggle out of it by pressing any button repeatedly. 

Special Grab: "I Must Succeed!"
Franchise Reference: Loosely Interpreting The Show For Game Mechanics
-Freakazoid breaks the 4th wall by changing the opponent's damage counter briefly to a higher number for an easier ring out. This attack is in the form of a grab where the animation pits him grabbing the opponent, comedically blinding their view with a blindfold, and using an eraser and marker to change their damage amount into something absurdly high. 

The effect wears off after 5 seconds from the grab being completed and the opponent eventually having full autonomy. This pressures the player into trying to hit the opponent as quickly as possible while the opponent is pressured into trying to evade Freakazoid (or any other opposing players) within this 5-second time frame. For the sake of balancing, this special grab has a long cooldown duration.

Projectile: "See? It's Ticking!"
Franchise Reference: "The Lobe" Episode
-Freakazoid cartoonishly pulls his scalp back and pulls out a ticking time bomb which the player can toss at the opponent for an immediate explosion. 

Maneuverability: "Whoosh!"
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Freakazoid's base movement displays him making "whoosh" sounds while running with his arms extended out pretending to fly. This is a comedic nod to the series for longtime fans to have fun with. However, Freakazoid can also perform a lightning-like dash turning into full electricity if the player double jumps in the air towards a particular direction or holds down a particular button while on the ground to dash forward.

Freakazoid's lightning dash leave a temporary trail behind which can cause any opponents caught within it to receive light electrical damage. A social perk causes his trail of lighting on the floor to leave behind a brief trail of fire causing both light fire and electrical damage.

Character Personality
-Freakazoid has tons of unique comedic commentary towards whoever his opponent is. A rough example of this would be Freakazoid taking a jab at Arya for Game of Thrones Season 8. Maybe he yells something like "That's for making me waste 8 seasons of my life!" right when knocking her out of the ring completely. Another one could be him making fun of Black Adam's failed efforts to become a big deal in Hollywood. Commentary like that is what this character is really all about and could make for some fun engaging dialogue gags. 

15. Goku

Franchise Reference: Dragon Ball-Z

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: Different Super Saiyan Skins
Franchise Reference: Entire Dragon Ball Saga

Skin: Planet Yardrat Attire
Franchise Reference: Dragonball Z

Skin: Turban & Rain Attire
Franchise Reference: "Changes" Episode 

Skin: 59 Jacket
Franchise Reference: Cell Saga

Skin: Saiyan Armor
Franchise Reference: Cell Saga

Skin: Kid Goku (Shenron's Wish)
Franchise Reference: Dragonball GT
-Goku with this skin uniquely doesn't cosmetically change his appearance beyond Super Saiyan when transforming to new levels that are beyond that form.

Skin: Time Patrol Goku
Franchise Reference: "Goku vs. Goku! A Transcendent Battle Begins on the Prison Planet!" Episode

Skin: Goku Black
Franchise Reference: "SOS from the Future: A Dark New Enemy Appears!" Episode

Fighter Move List Idea

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Hyper speed fight combos

Projectile: Kamehameha Wave
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-The Kamehameha wave emits a powerful projectile blast when charged that can be semi-guided by the player.

Projectile: Spirit Bomb
-Spirit Bomb is a unique projectile move from other fighters as it takes a while to charge which the player can still fight and move around the stage but has to take moments to continue its charge whenever free. Once fully charged, you'll see an icon appear notifying that it's ready, and the player can then activate it at any time sending a devastating high-damage energy ball from above that covers 30% of the screen. 

Projectile: Ki Blasts
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Goku fires off small energy projectiles at the opponent that deal light damage but can be fired several times before cool down.

Projectile: Destructo Disc
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Destructo Disc allows Goku to send a flying disc-like projectile that slowly passes halfway through the stage before dissipating. If charged, this singular disc projectile can become 3 smaller versions that cover more ground on the stage as it splits apart.

Trap: Solar Flare
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Solar Flare allows Goku to temporarily stun an opponent in place with a close range light glare that forms in front of him. As powerful as this move may be as a means to turn a fight around, if the opponent jumps over or dodges it in some other way, this can be an easily punishable move since Goku has no armor during this attack and cannot cancel out of it once fired. 

Solar Flare also opens Goku up to a projectile attack if the opponent already fired one at him whether or not they're caught in the paralyzing effects. Solar Flare also does not work on armored or shielded opponents. 

Maneuverability: Instant Transmission
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Instant Transmission allows Goku the ability to teleport behind the opponent always facing them.

Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Goku can fly around the stage as other characters with flight in the game. 

Unique Character Trait: Senzu Bean
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Senzu Bean restores Goku's health by a sizable percentage but can only be used once during a single match. This move is unlocked later on in Goku's fighter progression

Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Kaio-ken allows Goku to charge up and increase his power level. Mechanically speaking, this move ties into some of his other attacks like basic combos and certain projectiles delivering more damage than their standard impact. It also changes his Instant Teleportation to now a dash that propels him forward in a fiery blaze passing through an opponent and knocking them back simultaneously.

This form eventually wears off after a little while. 

Transformation: Super Saiyan Evolution
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-While in Kaio-ken mode, if Goku charges up again, he can reach a new level of damage increase which is also displayed cosmetically in his appearance (as seen in the show). Goku can continue to charge up reaching new transformation levels increasing his damage potential with each level. Although it is unlikely that an opponent player would just allow Goku to reach these levels without a fight, if he were to reach his final form (Perfected Ultra Instinct), theoretically speaking, this final form is probably the most powerful fighter in the game.

One basic combo string or projectile attack from Goku's final form can deal enough damage to put a full health opponent into the red zone pretty quickly. But again, it is unlikely that a player will be able to reach this level unless the opponent carelessly lets them. Goku is also vulnerable during powering up as there is no armor while charging up which puts him at a disadvantage attempting to reach new transformations. However, he does gain very light armor once reaching a certain level (maybe SS4).

It also takes a while for him to reach each new level so opponents will want to keep him busy as much as possible if they want to avoid him becoming a bigger problem. A player using Goku will want to find a way to keep distance if they're attempting to take advantage of these transformation boosts by perhaps using flight and teleportation techniques strategically. And just like Kaio-ken, whatever new form Goku reaches will have a timer until it wears off unless he manages to transform again. No matter what form Goku reaches, wearing off brings him automatically back to base level. 

16.  Yusuke Urameshi

Franchise Reference: YuYu Hakusho

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Brawler type with various close range combos

Basic Combos: 
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Yusuke pushes forward in a stream of punches and kicks loosely showcasing a sense of mixed martial arts fighting style with a more rough around the edges street fighting display

Dash Attack: Spirit Punch
Franchise Reference: Multiple Episodes
-Spirit punch is a great attack for ring out potential where Yusuke dashes forward with a glowing fist attacking the opponent. This can also be used as an upward strike in the form of an uppercut or an airborne attack striking in the same way. However when attacking downwards from the air, the Spirit Punch is switched into a  downwards kick with Yusuke's foot glowing this time.

Projectile: Spirit Gun
-Spirit gun fires off a bullet-like projectile. When charged however, the spirit gun becomes a slightly larger beam with increased damage

Projectile: Spirit Shotgun
-Spirit Shotgun is a charged close ranged blast that allows for widespread damage. This would be a good tactical move against opponents that might be overbearing a Yusuke player up close as it allows them to keep distance.

Projectile: Spirit Gun Barrage
-Spirit Gun Barrage is a much more powerful version of the Spirit Gun but requires longer cooldown and takes longer to perform. When firing the Spirit Gun Barrage, Yusuke fires a much more slower than the normal version of the Spirit Gun bullet projectile that slowly hovers forward. If the player fires off a regular spirit gun bullet directly behind it, the two combine and creates a significantly fast energy ball that does double the damage that a fully charged Spirit Gun can do. 

This move requires strategic timing but offers great reward if landed successfully. What's also formidable about this attack, despite its long cooldown meter, is that this newly formed energy ball is unblockable and tears through armor immediately.

Unique Character Trait: Spirit Wave
-Spirit Wave allows Yusuke to heal a reasonable amount of his health. This ability has a long cool down timer.

DC Comics (Owned by WB)

1. Green Arrow

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: The Hood 
Franchise Reference: CW's Arrow Series Season 1
-This is the costume worn by Oliver during Season 1 of the Arrow TV series. 

Skin: "My Name Is Oliver Queen" 
Franchise Reference: CW's Arrow Series Season 8
-This is the costume worn by Oliver during Season 8 of the Arrow TV series. Alternate skins show Oliver with and without the hood

Skin: Al Sah-him
Franchise Reference: CW's Arrow Series Season 3
-This is the costume worn by Oliver during Season 3 of the Arrow TV series where he joined the League of Assassins. 

Skin: The Spectre
Franchise Reference: CW's Arrow Series Season 8
-This is the costume worn by Oliver during Season 8 of Arrow surrounding the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover event

Skin: Refuse To Retire
Franchise Reference: Dark Knight Returns
-This is the version of Oliver that's much older and missing an arm during the Dark Knight Returns Batman story.

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Long range arrow projectiles makes up several of Green Arrow's move set.

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Hand to hand combos for close range utilizes the bow as a melee weapon with some punches and kicks in between (honoring the CW series' adaptation of the character).

Projectile: Archery Lessons
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Oliver fires off an arrow projectile towards whatever direction the player is facing. This can also be done in the air. 

Projectile: The Emerald Archer
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-While charged and released, Oliver fires off a single arrow that targets the closest opponent's direction no matter what their location may be. Although this projectile cannot break through shield or armor on its own, it also cannot be directly dodged and will require other evasive maneuvers such as jumping, teleportation, or special evasive abilities.

Projectile: Constrictor Arrow
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Oliver fires an arrow that, when landed on the opponent, wraps them around in straps constricting them in a paralyzing fashion temporarily. This move allows for a free attack and can make for a great combo starter. 

-A later perk called "Shock Arrow" transforms the constrictor trap into an electrified arrowhead paralyzing the opponent with lasting shock damage. 

Projectile: Boxing Glove Arrow 
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Oliver's iconic boxing glove arrow causes high knock back impact on an opponent making for an excellent ring out finisher. This particular arrow can also break armor. 

Projectile: Explosive Barrage Arrow
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Acting as a medium range projectile, Oliver fires off an arrow that gets about mid-way across the map and releases a barrage of mini explosives. This attack not only does a decent amount of damage but allows the player to keep opponents at bay.

Projectile: You Have Failed This Multiverse
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Oliver charges up an arrow with glowing green cosmic energy that fires off a heavy damage energy arrow projectile. This arrow is unblockable, completely pierces through armor, and cannot be directly dodged. The only downside is its long cooldown timer. 

Maneuverability: Parachute Arrow
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Firing off a parachute arrow allows for temporary hover/glide capabilities giving the player an opportunity to get back to the stage

Unique Character Trait: Protector of Star City
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Oliver can naturally destroy/deflect non-energy projectiles if he fires off any arrow type towards it. This of course takes timing but rewards players since there's no cooldown timer to contend with. 

2. Stargirl

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: CW Legacy 
Franchise Reference: CW's Stargirl Season

Fighter Move List Idea

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Close range attacks include staff twirling as well as an attack where Courtney stabs the staff into the ground and uses it to propel a kick forward at the opponent. 

Dash Attack: Cosmic Spear Dash
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Stagrirl glows with cosmic energy and dashes forward with the staff using it as a spear.

Projectile: Cosmic Staff Blast
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Using the powers of the Cosmic Staff, Stargirl can fire off projectiles (charged for stronger damage and knock back power).

Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Stargirl can glide around the stage on top of the cosmic staff with full directional control by the player for a short period of time before activating a cooldown timer. 

Transformation: Cosmic Energy
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Stargirl can charge the staff which causes her to glow with cosmic energy surrounding her entire body. When charged completely, the player unlocks a highly durable armor that is tough to break out of. It also allows for her charged cosmic staff beam attacks to charge up much more quickly and her dash forward spear attack to deal slightly more damage. Her close range combos however are unaffected by this move. 

This transformed state of cosmic power eventually wears off bringing her back to her standard mode and the armor, whether attacked by the opponent or not, also wears off kickstarting the cooldown timer. 

3. Darkseid

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: DCAU Darkseid
Franchise Reference: The DCE Animated Universe

Skin: DCAMU Darkseid
Franchise Reference: The DC Animated Movie Universe

Skin: Snyderverse Darkseid
Franchise Reference: The DC Extended Universe

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Darkseid is a tank similar to Jason and is able to withstand a heave dose of attacks while dealing out major damage despite his deceivingly slow movement. 

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-His close combat moves are mostly punches followed by grab moves where he slams the opponent to the ground in various ways.

Grab: Feel The Heat
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Darkseid grabs the opponent and fires his Omega beams right into their face then headbutts them which knocks them backwards. 

Dash Attack: Submit To Darkseid
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows
-Darkseid flies forward and tackles the opponent to the ground and viciously pummels them with his fists. After punching them down, he stands up holding them in a choking position with one arm, then tosses them behind him.

-Darkseid is able to fly like other flight-based characters in the game. While standing still, Darkseid stands on the ground, but while in motion, he hovers and glides with his hands behind his back. 

Projectile: Omega Beams
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Omega beams allow Darkseid to fire a projectile beam from his eyes either forward or upward. If charged before firing, the Omega beams has an automatic hit feature that immediately hits the closest opponent no matter what direction they're in or what direction Darkseid is facing. The beams, when charged and fired this way move in the same chaotic-like fashion that it does in the comics and animated adaptations of it. 

The charged attack does not do extra damage but the automatic hit upgrade can certainly make for strategic ring out potential while also dealing guaranteed damage to opponents who are constantly maneuvering around the map. The charged version also breaks armor. Charging up for the auto-hit version of the Omega Beams takes a little time which allows for balancing so that players won't abuse it in addition to its cooldown timer. 

Trap: The Anti-Life Equation
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Darksied's eyes glow red as he holds out his hand in a crushing fist gesture and alien symbols surround the ground around him. This display of hieroglyphic-like symbols floating around covers a medium range distance in front and behind him briefly. Anyone caught on the ground within the range of these symbols during this short period of time are immediately put into a zombie-like behavior that causes them to walk towards Darkseid giving him a free attack.

The opponent can struggle out of this state by pressing any button repeatedly for a long enough time. The cooldown timer for this ability is longer than Darkseid's other moves. There is a perk called "Resistance Is Futile" that makes the attack much harder to struggle out of. 

Unique Character Trait: Fearsome Ruler of Apokolips
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Darkseid's unique trait is that he does not react to any close range combos when getting hit. Instead, he is completely unmoved and the player is able to immediately attack the opponent in the midst of their combo without being physically phased. However, his health still gets lightly affected and this natural immovability is only towards basic combo moves and projectiles. Charged up attacks however do knock him back as they would with any other character.

This forces opponents who like to use a lot of close range basic combos to re-adjust their play style to be more evasive when approaching Darkseid in a confrontation. With this character trait, Darkseid is one of the best range fighters due to being able to keep close range fighters at bay while also having his Omega beam attack to create that distance and sense of tension for the opponent. A really good opponent will have to be good at dodging and maneuverability to do some good damage on a good Darkseid player. 

Character Personality:
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Darkseid's basic stance displays him with his hands behind his back and depicts him as if unbothered by his opponents. Whether victorious or defeated in the match, Darkseid shows no concern or respect towards the match that transpired as given in his dialogue. This is a nod to the character's larger than life cosmic mythology where no victory against him truly feels like a victory as there's always a larger agenda or grander return taking root.

4. Green Lantern

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: John Stewart
Franchise Reference: Justice League Animated Series

Skin: Sinestro 
Franchise Reference: DC Comics
-Powers also changes to yellow to match character

Skin: Kilowog 
Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Skin: Star Sapphire 
Franchise Reference: DC Comics
-Powers also change to pink to match character

Skin: Guy Gardner  
Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Skin: Kyle Rayner 
Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Skin: Atrocitus 
Franchise Reference: DC Comics
-Powers also change to red to match character

Skin: Nekron
Franchise Reference: DC Comics
-Powers also change to black to match character

Skin: Green Lantern Movie 
Franchise Reference: Green Lantern Movie

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Green Lantern can create various constructs for both offensive and defensive moves

-Green Lantern is able to briefly fly like other flight-based characters in the game. 

5. Doctor Fate

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: DCEU Doctor Fate
Franchise Reference: The DC Extended Universe

Fighter Move List Idea

Grab: Your Fate Is Sealed
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Doctor Fate's unique grab move allows him to grab the opponent no matter where they are on the stage (as long as they're on the ground) through a dimensional portal grab. This move brings the opponent to Fate allowing for a surprise attack however the opponent has full autonomy when brought out of the portal and can also attack Fate if he's not quick enough. There's a perk later on that allows this special grab to put the opponent in a briefly dazed state allowing the player a brief window to deliver a free attack on them. 

Projectile: Energy Manipulation
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Doctor Fate can fire magical projectiles in the shape of his symbol at the opponent.

Defense: Magic Shield
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Magic force shield acts as a defense against projectiles similar to Black Adam's shield. However, Fate has the ability to keep the shield surrounding him like a bubble for a short time as he moves. There's a later perk that allows Fate to place a force field bubble on his ally which remains as long as he's not rung out or his bubble dissipates.

Defense: Dimensional Rift
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Dimensional Rift allows Fate the ability to completely deflect an incoming projectile by sending it into a rift in front of him. A later perk turns this into a reflection move which makes the rift spit the projectile back at the opponent from behind them.

Unique Character Trait: Duplication
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Doctor Fate can create mirror versions of himself which can confuse the opponent. The base version of this move creates two clones whereas the charged version creates three.

Unique Character Trait:
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Fate can use his telekinesis to grab "pickup items" in the stage automatically to him no matter where he's located. The player holds down the button for item pickup and a random item in the stage, no matter its distance from Fate, will come to him with Fate automatically wielding it once it reaches him.

-Doctor Fate is able to perform evasive maneuvers such as dimension hopping (a form of teleportation) which can be down on the ground or even in the air. This move however does have a cooldown timer and therefore cannot be constantly spammed by players. This is also in addition having standard flight capabilities making Doctor Fate one of the most evasive fighters in the game if handled well. 

Transformation: Invisibility
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Invisibility gives the player a semi-long window of time completely unseen by the opponent. Fate unfortunately can be knocked out of this mode if any attack lands on him. Also, there are certain attacks that are disabled once in this mode making Fate limited to only a portion of his arsenal (this helps with character balancing). A later perk allows for longer duration of invisibility.

6. Deathstroke

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: Teen Titans (2000s) Slade
Franchise Reference: The 2000's Teen Titans Animated Series

Skin: Arrowverse Deathstroke
Franchise Reference: The CW Arrow Series

Skin: HBO Max Titans Deathstroke
Franchise Reference: The HBO Max Titans Series

Skin: DCEU Deathstroke
Franchise Reference: The DC Extended Universe

Fighter Move List Idea

Basic Combos:
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Deathstroke has multiple sword combos at close range

Grab: Time To End This
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-One of Deathstroke's grabs involve him attaching a sticky bomb to their chest, then kicking them away as the bomb explodes. 

Projectile: Sharpshooter
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Deathstroke pulls out a machine gun and fires at the opponent knocking them backwards and doing mild damage. This is a great move to to keep distance with the opponent if needed while doing great chip damage. 

Projectile: Contract Killer
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Deathstroke kneels down and pulls out a sniper rifle which brings up a target reticle for the player to aim. If the shot lands, the damage dealt is signifiant. Because this move requires skilled timing and is easily punishable, the damage counter is severe making it a very high risk-reward type of move. It's great for 2V2 matches if both opponents are distracted and you're able to strategically plant yourself in the perfect position to get a shot. However, 1V1 is a bit more challenging to pull this off. 

Projectile: Grenade Assault
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Deathstroke slides a grenade across the floor towards the opponent which has a timer before it explodes. A later perk has Deathstroke toss the grenade at the opponent instead of rolling it which immediately explodes on impact if it lands on them. If the grenade doesn't land on them, it explodes on impact to the ground.

Defense: Super Soldier Reflexes
Franchise Reference: Comics, TV Shows, & Movies
-Super Soldier Reflexes is an ability that allows Slade to auto-reflect any base level projectiles with his swords. The player has to activate this mode which lasts for a little while and has a short cool down period. It's Deathstroke's most formidable ability that allows him to stand out from the rest of the roster because it forces projectile-based range opponents to adjust their fighting style. This ability however does not work on charged projectiles. 

-There is a special perk called Super Soldier Modifications that grants Deathstroke armor while in this mode which allows him to withstand a charged projectile.

7. Gorilla Grodd

Franchise Reference: DC Comics

Fighter Move List Idea

Fighter Type:
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows 
-Grodd, much like Jason, is slow in movement but makes up for it with tank-like defense and powerful close ranged attacks if landed successfully.

Dash Attack: Spear Attack
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows 
-Grodd's forward dash move brings out a long spear attacking the opponent.

Trap: Kneel Before Grodd
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows 
-Grodd can catch the opponent in a close range psychic wave attack that puts them in a brief paralyzed state dealing damage as the animation pits them holding onto their head in pain. Grodd is unable to move while utilizing this projectile and is in a stationary position. This makes him vulnerable in a 2V2 situation if the second opponent is free to attack him while doing this move. However in a 1V1 fight, the player doesn't have to worry about this problem. 

-A perk called Grodd Is King allows for the psychic wave to last longer meaning more continuous damage. 

Summon: Protect The King!
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows 
-Protect The King is an ability where Grodd can summon one of his gorilla army soldiers on the map via a teleportation device. This bot ally appears with only a weaker version of Grodd's forward dash spear move and immediately attacks the nearest opponent. Although the opponent can ring out the bot ally with a few standard attacks, this does open the door for the player using Grodd to either collect themselves or go in for an ambush. 

A later perk called "Loyal Subjects" summons 2 soldiers who are more aggressive in their play style and has light armor allowing them to last a little longer in the stage. One soldier does the standard damage amount of Grodd's forward dash spear move this time while the other wields a slightly stronger version to Grodd's ray gun. This perk upgrade version of Protect The King! has a longer cool down timer than the standard version. 

Projectile: Ray Gun
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows 
-One of Grodd's few range attacks, aside from the psychic wave, is a ray gun. The damage on the projectile is light but Grodd can fire multiple shots simultaneously with hardly much of a cooldown meter to contend with. 

Defense: Super Intellect 
Franchise Reference: Comics & TV Shows 
-Super Intellect is a special move that, while activated, allows Grodd the ability to auto-dodge the next projectile that comes towards him which then kick starts the cooldown meter immediately after. This move works effectively against standard projectiles but does not work against charged projectiles.

-A perk called "Grodd Knows All" allows him to remain in this mode until he dodges two projectiles instead of one. 

Mortal Kombat (Owned by WB)

1. Scorpion

Franchise Reference: Mortal Kombat

Cosmetic Unlocks

Skin: ......there's just too many to list here
Franchise Reference: All MK Titles

Ring Out Animation: "Toasty!!"
Franchise Reference: All MK Titles

Ring Out Audio: "Scorpion Wins...Fatality"
Franchise Reference: All MK Titles
-This voice plays whenever Scorpion rings out an opponent

Ring Out Audio: "Scorpion Wins...Flawless Victory" 
Franchise Reference: All MK Titles
-This voice plays at the end of the match if Scorpion never gets rung out

Fighter Move List Idea

Basic Combos: 
Franchise Reference: Multiple Video Games
-Scorpion uses martial art attacks at close range and finishes with a classic uppercut as shown in the video games. The uppercut knocks the opponent up and backwards. 

Dash Attack: 
Franchise Reference: Multiple Video Games
-Scorpion dashes forward with a sword slash. This sword slash is also used in the air. 

Projectile: "Get Over Here!" 
Franchise Reference: Multiple Video Games
-Scorpion fires out his iconic chained kunai attack. This move operates the same way as it does in the MK games with Scorpion bringing opponents to him and temporarily putting them in a brief daze. This allows for some great combo openers. However, the downside to this is that if Scorpion misses, he's wide open for an attack by the opponent if they're able to reach him before the animation is over. This is also the case for an opponent who has already fired a projectile at Scorpion during or before his chained kanai is released. 

Projectile: Spirit of Vengeance 
Franchise Reference: Multiple Video Games
-Scorpion shoots fire from his mouth revealing his skull face. The move, at its base level is a short range attack, but can extend to mid-range if charged. 

Maneuverability: Master of Hellfire
Franchise Reference: Multiple Video Games
-Scorpion can teleport in a fiery blaze at short ranges. 

A perk called "Navigator of the Netherealm" allows Scorpion's fire teleportation to immediately place him in the middle of the map (which is great for ring out escapes). However this perk has a long cool own for balancing reasons. 

Unique Character Trait: Master of the Shirai Ryu
Franchise Reference: Multiple Video Games
-Scorpion automatically uses his chained kunai to hook himself back to the edge of the stage if falling/knocked out of the stage if he's not able to double jump anymore. This automatically triggered ability is a great last minute save for avoiding a ring out but unfortunately has a long cooldown period after being used the first time.

This character list will update whenever a new idea springs to mind...

New Theoretical Stage Ideas 

Lord of the Rings (Owned by WB??)

1. Mordor

-You can see Sauron's eye in the backdrop gazing over a dark stormy wasteland with orc silhouettes moving for battle. The actual fighting platform can take place on a rocky base or ruins of a fallen castle.

Monsterverse (Co-Owned by WB??)

1. City Under Attack

-A destroyed city setting with Kaiju mayhem taking place in the backdrop

Cartoon Network (Owned by WB)

1. Foster's Home

Franchise Reference: Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

-Utilizing the main location for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends where imaginary friends can be seen poking their heads out of various corners or objects in the room as the entertaining theme music plays in the background. The walls of the stage is basically the walls of the building (similar to the Scooby Doo mansion stage) and you can knock players out of the home which would be a ring out.

2. The Middle of Nowhere

Franchise Reference: Courage the Cowardly Dog

-Referencing Courage the Cowardly Dog's main setting, the fight takes place in a more open field area with Courage's home in the backdrop. You can see multiple villains from the show popping up and chasing Courage while also gradually destroying the house in the background. Item drops appear from the sky representing the various weapons used on the show by its countless villains whenever the house explodes further by a new villain attack. This stage type is more of an open field level with no platforming involved but instead forced ground level gameplay as ring outs are only done by damage counter being maxed out and not the stage itself.

It also offers arguably the most variety of item drop types due to Courage's unique villain roster allowing for more versatility in gameplay potential contrasting the aesthetically plain backdrop (though the background does become more entertaining to fight on as you see alien invading, creatures popping out of nowhere, and all sorts of monster mayhem while Courages runs around screaming. It's a deceptively boring stage initially until it evolves into something highly dynamic animation-wise. 

3. Wacky Races Race Track

Franchise Reference: Wacky Races

-Taking a page out of Smash Bros., you can have a stage where you have races from the Wacky Races series taking place creating a situation of environmental dangers with the different unique cars zooming by and the stage shifting around. 

4. Sector V Treehouse

Franchise Reference: Kids Next Door

-Looking to Kids Next Door, we have the main treehouse headquarters of the series which has great interior potential for fun item drops and immersive design work. 

5. Stormalong

Franchise Reference: The Misadventures of Flapjack

-Including a water based level where players can get rung out by falling into the water, we have Stormalong harbor from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack. The unique aesthetics from the series can really lend itself to some unique visuals compared to other stages. 

6. Kami's Lookout

Franchise Reference: Dragon Ball-Z

-As seen in the Dragon Ball franchise, Kami's lookout is the perfect map for more open spaced combat brawls (keeping in line with the show's more aggressive action-heavy battles). This map has a unique item drop being a Senzu bean that a player can pickup and eat giving them a 20% health boost. Although these take a while to show up in between each drop, this can allow for a match to extend longer than it normally would've turning the tables with a last minute health boost. 

-Side Note: I believe that you can use the World Tournament arena from the series for this exact same purpose. 

This stage list will update whenever a new idea springs to mind...

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