What to Expect In 2024
Currently, the site is undergoing a major revision that I've decided to start up in regards to the quality and variety of content shown here. Over the past few years, I've gradually grown distant to the blog due to my heavy focus on releasing content on the main Facebook page headquarters. Movie reviews, TV episode discussions, comic book breakdowns, and more started to become a Facebook exclusive release while some of my blogs started catch digital dust as a result. Once I started to take notice of my neglect towards the Penny For Your Movie Thoughts blog, I decided that I needed to make a massive change.
The first of which was dropping the name altogether. From now on, this won't be a blog for just movie reviews, but instead a more polished reflection of what my Facebook readers have been given all of this time. That being a variety of content including the aforementioned movie reviews, TV related discussions, comic book discussions, editorials, and perhaps even video game related content if time permits. Hence forth, the new title will be "Saleem's Expedition" which aims to cover all of my entertainment-based ventures. The second big change was me deciding to pull down all of my old reviews from 2021 to the beginning of the blog's conception. This is primarily due to how dated the formats was for those reviews and me deciding that everything needed to be officially polished over before re-releasing them.
So don't worry, every single review will immediately make its way back onto the blog the moment it gets revised and better structured for the site. You'll see them gradually appearing over the course of the year in no real particular order. Now, realistically speaking, we're talking over 190 reviews here (including the Facebook exclusive ones now coming over to the site), so this will be a very long process to undergo. The main focus will be the movie related content, and depending on when this is finished, will determine when the comic book and TV related stuff will come in.
So, thank you guys for the patience as this process continues forward, but most of all, thank you for sticking with me after all of these years on this geeky journey of mines. I look forward to making this site worthy of sharing to the world as my official library of reviews and editorials and I hope you are too.
Saleem E. Frazer
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This is an open house for all film lovers. My only rule is to keep a respectful mindset when posting (no need for conflict in a place of passion).