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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Geeking Out About Television #3: Arrowverse Rewrite | Barry & Thawne Vs. Godspeed

Context From The Author Before Reading

Hey guys, before we get into this scene rewrite, I just wanted to give a little bit of context to this whole thing as I feel it's important for the more critical readers. First off, I wrote this in less than half of a day while simultaneously working at my day job. Also, I'm not a professional writer by any stretch of the imagination and dialogue is definitely not something that I'm comfortable with so please do bare with me on some of the character lines as I simply just wanted to get a general thought across. The whole idea behind this little project is that I wanted to see how I'd fare against a professional team of show writers who had weeks to craft out something amazing versus me, a complete amateur, who had less than a day while being distracted doing other things. I also wanted to step into the high pressured shoes of a writer so as a fan and critic, I can be much more appreciative and understanding of the challenges that comes with creating these shows. 

So, with that author backdrop out of the way, I'll also point out that everything that I wrote out here is staying within the budget, storytelling (give or take a couple of big changes), and tone of the Flash series so that I can be smack down in the middle of whatever limitations are given to me by the CW. My goal here, beside what I've already mentioned, is to fix some of the issues that I had with the aforementioned scene but I'm very much aware that I won't be able to fix the larger issues of the season. Throughout the scene breakdown, I'll be including editor notes to let the readers in on what my thought process was in order to give some insight behind a particular creative choice. And now, without further ado, here's my rewrite on the final battle between Barry, Thawne, and Godspeed in the Season 7 finale.

The Scene

After August Hart gets his memory back and speeds upwards to the top of Star Labs to absorb the other clones, Barry meets up with him and the two exchanges a couple of lines before their big chase. I decided to keep most of the dialogue intact from the episode except maybe a couple of changes here and there. Also, if it doesn't go against the wider implications of the show in any way, I decided to keep the more sinister and, dare I say, "cooler" Godspeed voice that can be heard from the clone that was caught in the Pipeline (Episode 7x16). It's miles better than the voice of the true Godspeed that we got in the end with August. So keep that voice in mind (or at least something close to that voice) whenever Godspeed's dialogue is being highlighted in this article.

Godspeed: The end is near. Can you not feel it, Flash? Just look at what I've already done to your city. Surely you've realized by now that the age of the Flash is over and the reign of Godspeed has begun. All those years that you've spent fighting. All the victories that you celebrated. There had to been a time where you wasn't sure if you'd make it or not. You had to have thought that eventually...someone just might come along to put an end to you once and for all. Someone more deserving of your power. me. 

Barry: [With a facial gesture shrugs off August's comments in a disregarding fashion]

Godspeed: And now that I've acquired what I need, I can begin forging this new age. The world will kneel to me in submission as it recognizes true power. But first, I will rid my new throne of any...distractions. You and the rest of your team will no longer be an obstacle to my ascendancy. You will be history's forgotten heroes. A bygone era unworthy of remembrance. While I will be remembered as a God. 

Barry: No one's gonna die tonight Hart, but you are going to Iron Heights where you belong. The only one who's gonna be forgotten here is you. You'll just be another name alongside all of the other criminals that tried to kill me and my friends...and failed.

Godspeed: That's funny. The fact that you think you can put me in a cage. Tell me Flash, how could you possibly imprison me if you can't even stop me...

[Godspeed glances towards the city, then back to Barry]

Godspeed: ..from destroying your city.

Barry then chases Godspeed throughout the city and, within this extensive chase, the audience is given these slowed down moments where Barry is shown trying to catch up behind him while August randomly shoots out lightning projectiles at surrounding buildings and cars temporarily distracting Barry with endangered civilians and collateral damage. Realizing that it's too much of a multi-task for him to handle on his own, Barry asks the team to quickly rush over to all of the places that Godspeed has attacked during the chase in order to deal with any potential casualties. This allows Barry to be free to take on Hart without any constant mental distractions.

Editorial Note: I wanted to fix the strange feeling that I had when watching the episode considering you had this whole room of speedster heroes that could've helped Barry but was benched to the side just standing watching icons move around on a monitor. In my version, although I still don't have them interfere in the actual fight, I do have them at least being busy helping "the Godspeed situation" in some capacity. I also wanted to counter the now cliched "speedster citywide chase" that the show has done over the years and add in some stakes during the actual chase itself switching things up to invoke a continuing sense of scope. Typically, speedster chases on the show would comprise of lights zooming across a city setting until it leads to a point where the speedsters fight. Here, by adding in moments within the chase itself where Godspeed causes damage to various areas, you're given something much more massive in feeling for the Godspeed arc.

The two speedsters end up in a location a little outside of the city (somewhere where there's a large body of water between them and the main city). As the scene cuts to Godspeed, we get this lingering epic rack focus shot of him standing with the city behind him as he slowly turns his face towards it, he begins to blur out of focus while the city comes into focus. The imagery of explosions throughout the city that was caused by him can be shown followed by the sounds of sirens and civilian panic. He then glances back to Barry bringing him back into focus. You can also faintly see flashes of colorful lights flashing throughout the city which is our visual implication of the other speedsters helping out as the shot of the city blurred out of focus.

Editorial Note: I wanted to have a strong and memorable image visually encompassing the sheer scale of the Godspeed arc and how it has affected Central City more than any other speedster villain prior.

Godspeed: I told you, Flash. You can't stop this. I've prepared for this day longer than you can even imagine. The clones, the war, all of it. Once I've ended you, there will be no one left to stop me and my ascension will be complete.

Godspeed then summons a lightning storm as he charges up his energy to conjure his speed lightning sword. Barry, in the middle of this, decides to run towards him to stop him but Godspeed strikes him with a lightning attack with his other hand. Godspeed then successfully creates his weapon which astonishes Barry as he's never seen a speedster do this prior (the closest being Wally's conjuring of shapes in Season 6 or Bart throwing speed lightning shurikens). The two then fight it out in an epic slow-mo to high speed transitioning fight. Godspeed swings his sword around while Barry barely dodges each attack throwing multiple speed punches around him simultaneously. Godspeed manages to get a hit on Barry and uses that moment to charge up more energy continuing to get more hits in with his sword causing Barry to start stumbling due to the impact of the strikes.

Editorial Note: I wanted to show that Barry was indeed capable of at least keeping up with Godspeed to an extent here while also showing that Godspeed wasn't some easy to take down villain just because it's the finale. So this fight in particular would be a little bit more extensive and stretched out than previous speedster battles conveying an almost "equal ground nature" to their power levels. These two are in their prime of power and the question of who's more powerful should feel inconclusive, however I wanted to put more focus on Godspeed's speed lightning sword as being sort of a small table turner for the villain giving him a bit of an edge. Just something to make Godspeed feel legitimately threatening without feeling over powered hence why I have Barry landing a lot of hits in on Godspeed in the fight even if they're not completely knocking him out.

The two continue to duke it out more, and as Barry manages to toss a lightning bolt at Godspeed, Godspeed surprisingly absorbs it with the lightning sword itself and sends it back knocking Barry down but not out. Godspeed then points his sword towards Barry and gloats about being the most powerful being in existence now and that he'd be the one that history remembers killed the Flash. 

The scene then cuts to the speed force house setting as the speed force (in the form of Nora) is shown to be concerned about something and in disbelief as she looks out of the window. Deon shows up behind her. The camera is angled that you see Nora's face and Deon behind her but you're not able to see what she's seeing outside.

Deon: Something's wrong. I can sense it, but I've never felt anything like this before. This...this is different. ...Nora, what's happening?

The Speed Force avatar continues to look out of the window with a growing concern expression on her face. A glimmer of red can be seen quickly glaring off of her face as she reacts to something happening offscreen then turns to Deon who looks puzzled. The camera then slowly zooms into her face.

The Speed Force: He's coming.

Editorial Note: The "He's coming" line is a callback to when Sherlock Wells was warning Nash of Thawne's arrival.

The scene then cuts to Star Labs as Chester starts to get peculiar readings on the computer monitor telling Iris, Cisco, and Caitlin that the satellites are picking up an immense collection of negative tachyon particles. Caitlin then turns to Cisco.

Cisco: Negative tachyon particles? That doesn't make any sense

Iris: What? What is it Cisco?

[The camera zooms into Cisco's face as everyone else in the lab looks to him]

Cisco: I think our problems may have just gotten worst.

Barry then stumbles up on his feet looking towards Godspeed with a look of sheer determination on his face. 

Barry: You haven’t won yet, Hart. As long as I’m still alive, I’m not gonna stop fighting until you're locked up behind bars. I don't care how strong you've gotten.

Godspeed: [confidently boasting] When I’m done Flash, you won’t have any fight left in you.

Godspeed starts using his speed absorbing wave power to which Barry phases through like he did prior against the clones in the previous episode. However, due to this escalated version of the energy absorbing wave, Barry isn't able to run forward as much as before and is instead only barely pushing through.

Godspeed: You can’t hold on forever Flash. At some point, everyone will submit to me one way or the other.

Barry then lets out a loud battle cry showing that it's taking a lot of willpower for him to push through the wave of energy. The camera then cuts to Godspeed from an upwards tilt angle where you can quickly see a flash of red lightning in the skies behind him through the clouds. This is where Thawne shows up and knocks him out of the way resulting in Godspeed flying back rolling on the ground. Barry looks up in shock at his surprised rescuer and Thawne looks down at him smiling.

Barry: [gasping in both exhaustion and shock] Thawne?

Thawne: Don’t look so surprised, Allen. I already told you before that I was gonna kill you. I'm not gonna let someone else rob me of that glory.

Editorial Note: In the original episode's concept that was presented to us, Barry and Iris had a plan to bring Thawne back to help defeat Godspeed because Thawne wouldn't let anyone take down Barry but himself and so Barry could rely on his commitment. I felt this idea to be problematic. First off, Thawne's commitment to killing Barry could easily be replaced with other speedster heroes being committed to saving Central City and the world from Godspeed. That line of reasoning from the show of them deliberately bringing back a dangerous killer instead of using the heroes that you have on hand (could've even bring in Wally) who are just as committed to stoping the threat doesn't really work for me. This is made even worst especially considering that Barry just lets him go free in the end. 

However, in my version, I wanted it to be that Thawne returns out of his own willpower and strategy navigating through the Godspeed situation which had the speed force in disarray and our heroes occupied. Him showing up and rescuing Flash in this case also fits with his character as he sees himself as the one destined to kill the Flash and no one else. Also, I loved the surface-wise spiritual imagery of Barry crying out to what we would expect to be a hero showing up as the saving grace only to see the devil himself (the red glowing eyes, etc.) as the one who answered the call.

[Godspeed gets back up unaware of the context behind Thawne's return]

Godspeed: You brought your greatest enemy to help you? Your desperation is pathetic and you've only delayed the inevitable. Don't you see? It doesn't matter what you do now, Flash. You can never kill me. I am beyond you. I am the God of Speed!

[Thawne then smirks in response to August Hart's boasts and turns to Barry with a sarcastic expression]

Thawne: Well someone’s got a big ego. 'The God of Speed’ (Thawne mockingly says). Almost reminds you of someone, doesn’t it?” 

[Barry then looks at Thawne with a frustrated expression immediately picking up on the Savitar insult]

Barry: Look, you’re just here to get rid of your competition right? Fine. Let’s just get this over with. But Thawne, let me make one thing clear. When this is over, Godspeed's not gonna be the only one standing behind bars. 

[Thawne smirks in response then the two turn their attention to August]

Godspeed then charges up again and ignites two swords this time as the other two speedsters charges up with their speed force energy (not creating swords of their own). The three then rushes towards each other and we get this awesome battle going in and out of Flashtime and normal speed with the two surrounding Godspeed in an all out assault of punches and lightning throws. Godspeed manages to deflect many but not all of the attacks keeping up with the two while managing to get a few hits in with his dual swords. After a long enough battle, the two eventually overwhelms him into near submission.

Editorial Note: I was thinking more along the lines of the Cap and Bucky Vs. Ironman fight in Captain America: Civil War as far as framing goes. I think it's a nice foundation in showing how a two-on-one battle can look when you have two people using mostly hand to hand combat maneuvers fighting someone using super powered weapons. I wasn't a fan of the Star Wars inspired fight that Season 7 decided to do with everyone just having lightsabers swinging at each other like children playing with foam tubes at a water park. It just didn't sit well with me with how awesome they made the lightning sword conjuring moment look for Godspeed only to immediately completely diminish its iconography as both Barry and Thawne nonchalantly make their own. I wanted to keep the fight much more unique and in-line with everyone's manner of fighting but much more escalated than ever before.

Godspeed then releases a massive surge of energy pushing the two back so that he can quickly recuperate.

Godspeed: You can’t defeat me. No one can. 

[Hart catches his breath as if just experiencing the fight of his life] 

Godspeed: I am a God! 

Godspeed surges out a larger wave of energy knocking them back even further but the camera mostly focuses on Barry falling and rolling to the floor this time. Godspeed then begins to conjure up more energy as a storm cloud appears above him until Thawne appears behind him and stabs him with his very own created negative speed lightning sword. August falls to his knees in pain and in pure shock gazing upon the glowing red saber sticking out of his chest. Meanwhile, a grinning Thawne looms over behind him in victory. Thawne then disperses his negative speed force sword walking in front of Hart. He stares him down as he begins to vibrate his hand for a finishing blow.

Thawne: You’re no God. You’re a joke. An ignorant child spoiled with power that is beyond his comprehension. You were merely blocking my path…but not anymore. 

Barry then rushes over knocking Thawne out of the way to quickly check on Hart’s vitals. 

Editorial Note: So, in my version, why did Thawne use a sword here instead of his vibrating hand move initially? The idea that I had, in keeping in line with the character, is that Thawne wanted to humiliate August first before killing him. The Reverse Flash has mostly been shown prior to be someone who likes to slowly twist the knife of his victory into his victim letting them feel the weight of their failure before dying. So what better way to do that here than to have Thawne use Godspeed's very own move against him proving that someone else besides him can pull it off and letting him live long enough so that he can rub it in his face that he's nothing to him. All of this before deciding to kill him in his own classic fashion and not with said "godly weapon". 

The conjuring of the lighting sword move now has a little more weight to it in my version since it's Thawne who does it to strike August down with brutal intent as opposed to just Barry and Thawne doing it just for the sake of presenting pop culture (Star Wars) fanboy appealing imagery. Now yes, I'm very much aware that the comics also has speedster forged weapons but we all know where the visual inspiration of the fight itself on the show came from. Felt more Star Wars inspired than source material. I think with my iteration the speed force sword idea is used with more layered intent than just "cool factor". It's also less cheesy...or at least I hope it is.

Thawne gets up looking confused at how he got knocked over initially giving us our first hint that Barry is now faster than he is. He shrugs off the thought and slowly walks over to Barry grinning once he realizes why Barry knocked him back in the first place (Barry's need to save everyone). The scene cuts to Star Labs with the team asking Barry what's happening. Barry tells them that Godspeed is down but not dead since his speed force healing is barely keeping him alive.

Thawne: You gotta be kidding me.

Barry: You could’ve killed him. (Barry sternly says to Thawne) But I guess that means nothing to you, does it? Just another life for you to take?”. 

Thawne: Oh Barry. You see that’s the difference between you and I. You would rescue the very man who tried to kill you. Me on the other hand...not so much. 

[Thawne begins to walk closer to Barry and Hart's unconscious body]

Thawne: You see. I would make that man suffer unimaginably before wiping him off the face of the Earth. In this particular case, well, I just can’t have a guy like him running around now, can I? It’s counterproductive. Gotta erase him from the equation altogether.

[Barry looks up questioning Thawne’s statements.] 

Thawne: The fact of the matter is that...if anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me. History has taught me many things. One being that no matter what happens, one way or the other, I'm the one who decides your fate, Barry. Just like you decided mines.

[Thawne eyes start to glow red as energy forms around his hand to which Barry boldly looks up and confronts him] 

Barry: I’m only gonna say this once, Thawne. Stand down now or else I'll be forced to put you down.

Thawne: Oh, I’d like to see you try (Thawne says with a condensing laugh). Look at you. You’re weak...vulnerable...exhausted after all that you’ve just been through. You got nothing left. [Thawne starts to laugh] You’re open season, Flash. Think of all the hunters out there eagerly waiting for a moment like this to claim you as their prize. Unfortunately for them, I got here first.

[Barry then stands to his feet staring Thawne down with a glaring look of determination ready for a fight]

Barry: You don't think that I knew this would happen? That after we fought Godspeed, you'd immediately try to kill me? I knew you’d come after me eventually ever since you left Nash's body. The speed force being overwhelmed with everything going on. The army of clones. You used the situation to your advantage as the perfect opening. Trust me, Thawne. Depending on the outcome, I made sure I saved just enough in the tank to stop you when this fight was over.

Thawne: Well then, we’ll just have to see about that, won’t we?

As Thawne charges after Barry, the scene plays out the same way as it did in the episode where Barry enters Flashtime, stares at him, and counters him throwing him like a rag doll. Thawne reacts in the same manner being surprised and confused demanding that Barry tells him what he did since Thawne is the one who "created him". Only this time, I wanted to add on an extra couple of tidbits and layers to the scene.

Barry: I got faster. Didn't you?

Thawne looks at Barry in astonishment and frustration for a moment until the music starts to shift into a much more eerier tone as the camera slowly zooms in towards Thawne. Thawne quickly glances down at Hart and then back to Barry as his expression slowly changes from astonishment and frustration to determination and anger. Thawne then says in a very ominous tone (using the Reverse Flash vibrating vocal tone as his eyes glows red) that "it's only a matter of time" right before he zooms away from the scene. Barry looks as if he's about to immediately chase after him but quickly looks back down to August who is barely making it through his injury. Barry then looks back out into the distance with a look of both readiness and a slight bit of concern as the Reverse Flash theme becomes louder and louder ending the scene.

Editorial Final Note: I wanted Thawne's realization of Barry being faster than him to not just end with him looking pitiful and weak running off saying that he'll one day catch up (as the show did). I feel like that's not a very strong set up for your big series villain to make his grand return. Instead, I wanted to give the scene a very ominous vibe as if Barry's "badass moment" of power here was only a small victory leading towards the bigger and historical fight on the horizon. Also, the swift glance that Thawne does to Hart and back to Barry was him reminding Barry that August can still potentially die from his wound forcing his hand to make a decision to either stop him or save Godspeed. It also adds a double meaning to his final line "It's only a matter of time". 

The eerie music that I had in mind for this moment was the "Catch Me If You Can" track from the Season 1 original score invoking Thawne's sinister presence in the backdrop even though Barry seems to be the clear dominant power. I wanted to give a sense to the audience that the Reverse Flash (who I would've preferred be played by Matt Letscher for this scene) is still a threat to behold even if Barry's currently faster than him.

So, there you have it guys. My rushed together rewrite of the scene that I hope you enjoyed reading through despite whatever grammatical errors may have presented itself. Now yes, I may not have fixed all of my issues with Season 7 as a whole including Godspeed as an overall satisfying character. I'm sure that I too have also opened up a can of plot holes (like the fact that our speedster heroes are still cleaning up Godspeed's citywide mess during the Thawne-included fight). However, I do feel comfortable enough being able to at least give Season 7 a higher note to end off on regarding the concept of Thawne's return and the direction of Godspeed's final battle.

My hopes is that Season 8 manages to follow up the version that the show did in a way that would be satisfying despite the issues prior and perhaps pull off something even greater than my mind could've ever imagined. Here's to hoping. On a side note, if you'd like to see what I thought of Season 7 of The Flash episode by episode and other related shows, check out my Facebook Page as that's where my central hub of discussions can be found.

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