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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Saleem's Top Favorite TV Scenes (Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy)

On this glorious list of awesome TV moments, we venture through the world of horror, science-fiction, and fantasy television series. So with that in mind, you can definitely expect to see a few zombies, dragons, and possibly a vampire or two amongst other things here.

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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Honorable Mentions

Season 1

1. Godzilla Vs. Ion Dragon

"Just in time for the finale, Monarch gives us a solid kaiju battle showing Godzilla emerge out of a portal like a boss battle entrance sequence leading to him taking down the new ion dragon creature. The CGI and overall visual direction was arguably just as solid as the Monsterverse movies and the brutality of Godzilla's combat sensibilities was just as satisfying to watch as one would hope."

The Last of Us
Season 1

1. A Wave of Infected Slaughters Kathleen's Group

"The Last of Us delivers one of the greatest action-horror scenes on TV during Episode 5's infected horde segment. The imagery of the the fiery backdrop from the truck explosion highlighting the waves of infected launching out of the ground and slaughtering Kathleen's men left my jaw on the floor. We also get our first appearance of a bloater which was just as terrifyingly intimidating as it was in the games"

Honorable Mentions

Season 1

1. Joel, Tess, & Ellie Encounter Clickers

"Everything from the set up of the Clicker utilizing echo location via unsettling bodily sounds, to the creepy blurry shot introducing the creature, was masterfully executed. Speaking as someone who played the games encountering these freaky bastards, I was delighted to see that they perfectly captured how terrifying they are with incredible production values and great use of cinematography."

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Season 1

1. Obi-Wan Vs. Darth Vader (Final Duel)

"Currently still speechless by how epic this battle felt with its amazing choreography and power display showing both characters like we've never seen them before in live action. Both the visual spectacle element of the fight and the dramatic element of the historical confrontation successfully delivered a chilling sense of scope."

The Book of Boba Fett

Season 1

1. Battle Against The Scorpenek Annihilator Droids

"One of the most jam packed battles of any live action Star Wars properties in regards to standout character moments and fan service fulfillment. From the amazing Prequel era concept designs of the battle droids finally come to life, to Boba Fett riding in on a Rancor tearing through them and all the carnage that ensues in between, this was an immensely satisfying action scene to witness unfold".

Honorable Mentions

Season 1

1. The Arrival of The Twins

"From the sound of the echoing drums paving their arrival, to the fantastic visual direction surrounding the Huttanese twins being carried on a chariot like royalty threatening and discussing territorial terms with Boba, this was an immensely satisfying villain introduction scene. The icing on the cake is the jaw dropping surprise of Black Krrsantan showing up as their bodyguard making his live action debut which was something that I've always wanted to see for years."


Honorable Mentions

Season 1

1. The Eclipse of Endless Darkness

"I’ve seen eclipse imagery done many times before to showcase some supernatural apocalyptic event taking place. However, the way that it’s presented here is particularly chilling as everything not only instant turns the dark of night, but also eerily silent invoking an uneasy atmosphere. You can start to make out the stars in the night sky all moving towards the eclipse and fading out giving the villains' endless darkness agenda a cosmic horror scope and feel."

The Witcher

Honorable Mentions

Season 1

1. Geralt Vs. Renfri & Her Gang

"Although it took more than one episode viewing to get deeply engaged in the storyline revolving the battle itself, the sword combat choreography displayed during Geralt's fight against Renfri and her gang was some of the best ever delivered in a live action series."

2. Geralt Battles A Striga

"As a huge fan of the Witcher 3 video game, I was happy to see the game's combat sensibilities (which I imagine comes from the novel) well adapted to live action. Seeing Geralt using his magical abilities as well as various weaponry and tactics to battle the Striga was such a visual treat."

Season 2

3. Geralt Battles A Bruxa

"Cinematically speaking, Gerealt's confontation with a Bruxa is the most captivating monster battle on the show so far. The beautifully chilling snowy nighttime scenery coupled by the truly haunting and impressively executed vampiric imagery from the Bruxa makes for quite the eye popping visuals."

4. A Leshy Encounter Escalates

"What starts off as an already chilling encounter with a Leshen turns into a battle against a far more terrifying creature. This scene hits all the right notes in visually conveying an intense Witcher-monster battle through Geralt's use of magic and skill while also showcasing the terrifying unpredictability of this world's supernatural threats"

The Mandalorian

Season 1
1. The Mandalorian Vs. Trandoshans
"I absolutely loved the subtle implications of an impending ambush through background shadows and reflections off of the Mandalorian's helmet eventually leading to this standout battle. The action choreography was great with the weapon combat and the high risk feel to the Mandalorian's current situation was perfectly laid out."

2. The Mandalorian Takes On A Mud Horn
"Appealing to my inner gamer, this scene felt like an epic side quest boss battle where the player (the Mandalorian in this case) was sadly on a lower level than the enemy. The CGI and overall design of the creature was incredible and the massive weight and sheer power was beautifully displayed. I loved the moment where the Mandalorian desperately pulls out his knife knowing that he may not survive leading to the epic force using reveal of his baby passenger. Chills!"

3. The Mandalorian Gets Rescued By His Covert
"The Mandalorian delivers its first geek out moment for me where we see an absolutely epic rescue take place with the covert showing up to save our protagonist. I loved the imagery of  these armored up warriors flying in on jet packs wiping out every enemy on sight. I got chills seeing the Mandalorian's family essentially coming in to save him no matter the risks. 'This is the way'"

4. Moff Gideon's Introduction
"As a personal lover of impactful villain introductions, Moff Gideon's has officially become one of my favorites of the Star Wars franchise. With Gideon's entrance comes an epic shot of his TIE fighter elegantly swooping in behind an army of various stormtroopers, a sinister performance by Giancarlo Esposito, and his confidently boasted victory in acquiring his asset by tragically killing off a fan beloved character in the process."

Season 2

5. The Mandalorian Helps The Marshal Take Down A Krait Dragon

“From since the series premiere, this series has shown itself to be no stranger to unexpected and entertaining creature feature situations in its storytelling. However, the most cinematically spectacular of these ventures is without a doubt now the Krayt dragon battle in which we witness Din, the Marshal, and a band of Tusken Raiders take on this massive and quite intimidating looking creature. The visual FX were astounding as was the sense of scope to the action taking place. 

Honorable Mentions

Season 1
1. The Mandalorian & IG-11 Vs. Nikto Mercenaries

"Really enjoyed this action scene from the visuals of IG-11 taking out multiple mercenaries with deadly precision  to both the Mandalorian and the droid's entertaining team up dynamic. IG-11's constant suggestion to self destruct was hilarious."

2. The Mandalorian & Cara Dune Help A Village Battle Against Raiders
"The actual battle between the villagers and raiders was well directed, but the highlight of the scene is without a doubt seeing an AT-ST in its most effectively imposing presentation yet. Not only did I enjoy the sci-fi/horror element of the mech's power on display, but I also loved how Cara and the Mandalorian had to pair up to strategically take it down in the end."

3. The Mandalorian Rescues The Child From Experimentation
"One of the more re-watchable individual segments within the Mandalorian's action gallery was seeing Mando take out a compound of Stormtroopers with his various gadgets. The highlight here is without a doubt the flamethrower scene where he torches a trooper until you can actually see his molten face through the helmet. Yikes!"

Season 2

4. The Mandalorian & The Passenger Try To Escape A Krykna Swarm

"The Mandalorian yet again delivers one of TV's most visually striking and highly entertaining creature attack scenes in the history of the medium. Watching as this massive swarm of spider-like creatures crawl out of their eggs and chase after our heroes in this icy cave setting was both cinematically spectacular and nightmarish from an arachnophobic perspective."

5. Chase On Nevarro 

"By far one of the most climactic chase scenes on television due to the sense of variety with the enemies that our heroes have to fend off as well as the absolutely stunning visuals. First, you have the scout troopers on speeder bikes which gave us a fun high speed horizontal battle in the canyon. Then, the chase transitions to the TIE fighters raining down lasers from the skies turning things more vertical only to be finished off with a cool dog fight with the TIEs and the Razor Crest.

6. Luke Skywalker Obliterates Dark Troopers

"Despite a few nitpicks that I can easily get over after multiple viewings, getting to see a post-Return of the Jedi Luke FREAKIN Skywalker show up and obliterate a platoon of dark troopers was incredible. Witnessing what should be, in this era of the mythos, him as a legendary young Jedi Master successfully wielding his lightsaber and using the force to wipe out each droid with ease was a dream come true. It's also a cool homage to Rogue One's Darth Vader sequence."

Lovecraft Country

Season 1

1. Atticus Gets Rescued By A Shoggoth

"Since the series' premiere, Lovecraft Country has gifted its audience with several great horror, science-fiction, and fantasy imagery. However, the scene where Atticus is about to get shot by the police just before we witness this hulking monster break through the concrete in front of him and slaughter said police force has got to be my top favorite thus far. The incredible CGI and cinematic direction makes this one of the best monster attack scenes on television yet."

Honorable Mentions

Season 1

1. Atticus Dreams About Lovecraft Imagery & His Time At War

"Speaking personally as a lover of retro science-fiction imagery, Lovecraft Country's premiere opening sequence was quite the delightful surprise for me. As Atticus dreams about fighting through the war, the dream then switches to the pulp fiction sci-fi visuals of Lovecraftian alien tripods, flying saucers, a Cthulu creature, and other crazy classic era appropriate geeky elements. It was truly a sight to behold."

Raised By Wolves

Honorable Mentions

Season 1
1. Mother Kills Off The Mithraic Aboard The Ark
"Very reminiscent of previous 'one-man army action scenes' from films, the scene where the character of Mother completely slaughters through Mithraiac soldiers on a ship hovering over a planet was absolutely stunning to look at."

Altered Carbon

Honorable Mentions

Season 2

1. Mysterious Sky Weapon Incinerates Protectorate Soldiers

Altered Carbon delivers its first visually spectacular action scene with Quell's mental breakdown and Trepp's cyber link malfunction leading towards a mysterious sky cannon reigning down energy blasts onto Protectorate soldiers."

Stranger Things

Season 3
1. The Team Battles The Mindflayer
"Stranger Things has always done a magnificent job at blending different sub genres that would fall under Horror and Science-Fiction. When the Mindflayer is shown attacking Eleven and the team in a small confined room, this is by far the show's most visually spectacular and tension packed 'creature feature' entry yet."

Honorable Mentions

Season 2
1. Eleven Closes The Gate
"Such a spectacle of a scene both visually and dramatically speaking. It's your classic superhero moment where the hero unleashes their full might in order to take down the villain and it's done very well here."

Season 3
2. Eleven Fights Off A Possessed Billy
"One of the more intense Eleven confrontation scenes on the show which resulted in me sitting at the edge of my seat in fear for El's life as a possessed Billy almost chokes her to near death. This is then followed by an absolute badass moment when she uses her powers to blast him away like a rag doll."

 Game of Thrones

Season 1
1. Eddard Stark's Execution
"Game of Thrones, as fans will know, is a series that is no stranger to major characters dying off, but it was Eddard Stark's execution that truly shocked me due to how significant his role felt. This was the first sign that the writers were not afraid to kill off key and beloved characters"

2. Daenerys's Baby Dragons Are Born
"The striking imagery of this scene was ironically part of the promotional footage that I saw online that made me decide to finally watch Game of Thrones after months of skipping it. Such a profoundly powerful scene for several reasons"

Season 2
3. Tyrion Uses Wildfire To Destroy Stannis' Fleet
"Just from a visual perspective, the Wildfire explosion scene is one of the most spectacular moments on television in my opinion"

4. The Battle of the Blackwater
"There are several battles that take place during Game of Thrones, but it's the giant scale battles such as the Battle of the Blackwater that truly shows off the amazing production value behind this series"

5. Samwell Witnesses The White Walkers
"This was the scene of Game of Thrones that literally made me shout out in excitement. Such a spectacle of a scene and an amazing introduction to the scope of the White Walker army"

Season 3
6. Sam & Gilly Encounters A White Walker
"Being a huge fan of atmospheric horror films, I absolutely loved the dark and mysterious imagery of the White Walker appearing out of the woods after a flock of crows are shown lining up for its arrival. The graceful yet haunting way that the White Walker moves towards Gilly's baby was visually striking especially when he grabs and completely shatters Samwell's blade."

7. The Red Wedding
"Never has their been such a gripping, intense, horrific, shocking, and iconic scene of tragedy on television showing multiple characters dying at once."

Season 4
8. Tyrion's Trial & Outburst
"The scene that made many fans of Tyrion (including myself) fall in love with the character even more. This was arguably the greatest character drama centered scene that the series has ever presented showcasing an Emmy worthy performance by Peter Dinklage."

9. The Battle of Castle Black
"Flaming arrows flying around, giants being introduced with their imposing size and brute strength, and a sweeping shot of Castle Black being covered in Wildlings and soldiers slaughtering each other makes this battle sequence one of the most visually impactful"

10. Wights Attack Bran & Crew
"Just another one of those beautifully executed White Walker/Wight scenes that makes me take notice of the incredible visual FX on the show. The CGI here is astoundingly up to par and even better than some modern day Hollywood blockbusters."

Season 5
11. The Massacre At Hardhome
"To this day, this is still by far one of the top most visually spectacular and intense action scenes on television. Not only is the action component beyond anything that I've ever seen on the small screen raising the bar high for television, but the ending debut of the Night King resurrecting everyone that his army just slaughtered was one of the greatest villain entrances in the history of film and television."

12. Drogon Saves Daenerys At The Fighting Pits
"Throughout the series, we've gotten some pretty cool scenes regarding Daenerys's dragons, but watching her get rescued by Drogon at the Fighting Pits was definitely the most visually gratifying and amazingly presented thus far."

Season 6
13. The Night King Marks Bran
"One of my favorite scenes as it shows a more hauntingly atmospheric presentation of the undead army. The snowy white setting surrounding the stagnant corpses and the sound of the wind blowing through an eerie soundtrack beautifully leads up to the terrifying moment where the Night King spots and physically marks Bran."

14. The White Walkers Attack The Blood Raven's Cave
"An amazing and intense assault scene where the wights and White Walkers slaughter through the Blood Raven's cave. Lots of interesting and visually gripping moments take place in this one scene, but above all, it includes one of the most emotional character deaths on the show."

15. Daenerys Defeats The Slave Masters
"Since Season 2, I've been eagerly and patiently waiting for the moment where we get to see dragons rule the sky and destroy military fleets. Now, I can rest happily after seeing Daenerys and her dragons destroy the slaver ships in a spectacularly epic fashion."

16. Ramsay Kills Rickon
"Such an unfortunate character death on the show, but the scene itself was beautifully directed displaying the psychotic and overconfident tendencies of Ramsay as well as his surprisingly incredible archery skills."

17. The Battle of the Bastards
"Just when I thought the series could never top the Hardhome invasion scene, we get the most visually jaw dropping, beautifully directed, and adrenaline pumping battle in television history with the "Battle of the Bastards". Those epic moments where the camera follows Jon as he fights through waves of soldiers surrounded by pure dreadful chaos left me absolutely speechless."

18. Jon Defeats Ramsay In A Trial By Combat
"One of the most gratifying beat down scenes on Game of Thrones as we finally get to see someone put Ramsay in his place via Jon Snow defeating and beating him down to submission."

19. Ramsay's Torturous Death
"Yes, Game of Thrones is no stranger to torturous death scenes, but none will ever be as memorable for its rightfully satisfying ending as Sansa speaks her last words to Ramsay before watching him get eaten by his own hounds."

20. Cersei Destroys The Great Sept of Baelor
"Not only was the visual spectacle of the wildfire explosion incredible, but the amount of significant deaths that took place truly shocked me and was worthy of a season finale cliffhanger. This will go down as one of the most epic villain victories on television."

21. Lyanna's "King of the North" Speech for Jon Snow
"It's pretty rare for me to get so emotionally invested in a scene that I literally begin to tear up. The moment where Lyanna delivered that powerful and motivational speech naming Jon Snow as her King till death had my eyes watering with excitement and joy as if I was standing there in person."

Season 7
22. The Loot Train Attack
"Watching Daenerys fly in over her Dothraki army on top of Drogon laying waste to Lannister soldiers in a field of fire left me speechless. The shots of Drogon blazing through loot wagons and waves of enemies as Bronn struggles through the chaos to get just one shot on the doom bringing creature was breathtaking. Game of Thrones yet again delivers one of the greatest action sequences on television."

23. Wight Bear Attack
"From the moment Jon stepped out beyond the wall with his band of brothers, we knew only horrifying things would come. What I didn't expect was a terrifyingly large undead polar bear charging in out of nowhere in an epic boss battle-like fashion. This was by far one of the most shocking action scenes of the series"

24. The Battle Beyond The Wall
"After seasons of anticipation, we finally get to see key figures taking on the army of the dead. Everyone gets to shine during this epic battle of survival, and just when things began to look grim, Daenerys comes flying in with her dragons blasting through waves of wights in a visually spectacular fashion. Then, as icing on the cake, the Night King flawlessly spears down a dragon showing off his terrifying power."

25. Jon Declares Daenerys As His Queen
"Following an intense battle against the White Walker army, we get one of the most touching moments in the series as Jon finally declares Daenerys as his queen. There are several emotions taking place during this interaction between the two larger than life characters giving this scene a dramatically impactful and almost legendary feel in scope."

Season 8
26. The Long Night Battle

"Despite my major nitpicks being the battle's questionable lighting and the Night King's terribly anti-climactic end, the Battle of Winterfell contained several awe inspiring highlights. We're given eye popping dragon action, Arya’s badass combat skills shown off, tension packed moments of wights swarming over our heroes, the Night King being given a few cinematically awesome shots, and some emotional character deaths."

27. Daenerys Sieges & Obliterates King's Landing
"The siege and annihilation of King's Landing by Daenerys and her forces is without a doubt the most epic in scope, dramatically shocking, and cinematically spectacular moment on television. Once Daenerys snaps, we're given one giant massacre scene filled with epic dragon sequences, visually breathtaking carnage, nightmarish apocalyptic imagery, and dramatically impactful character moments."

28. Daenerys's Final Victory Speech To Her Army
"Game of Thrones is no stranger to impactful speech scenes, but nothing can remotely compare to the cinematically epic and dramatically chilling victory speech given by Daenerys for her successful conquest over King's Landing. The sheer scope of the apocalyptic backdrop accompanied by wide scale shots of her armies, the Targaryen flag, and Drogon on the side is jaw dropping alone. This is then followed by the deeply unsettling feeling of seeing our once heroic figure now being presented as a terrifyingly powerful villain."

Honorable Mentions

Season 7
1. Arya Avenges The Red Wedding
"Game of Thrones is no stranger to dramatically impactful revenge moments, but one of the more cheer worthy entries comes with Arya's revenge on the Frays. Getting to see her faceless men training put into the spotlight in such a significant fashion positioned Arya higher up on power spectrum in a truly satisfying way."

2. Daenerys Gives Her Enemies An Ultimatum
"One of the most visually captivating moments regarding Daenerys as we get an incredible shot of her being presented as a victorious and fear inducing queen. As Drogon stands in the background as her terrifyingly powerful executioner, this is the closest thing that we've seen to the 'mad queen' concept speculated by her enemies."

3. Littlefinger's Trial & Execution
"What made this particular character death emotionally impactful was the fact that this was the first time in the history of the series that I personally felt a sense of both a victory and a loss all at once. It's sad yet gratifying to see such an incredibly performed and well written villain get killed off. Having Arya be the executioner was the icing on the cake."

4. The Night King Destroys The Wall
"An awesome end tag for the season showing the now transformed Viserion in action and the Night King's ultimate plan for annihilation set in motion"

Season 8
5. Daenerys Gives Jon An Ultimatum
"There's something bizarrely heartbreaking and dramatically intense about Daenerys giving Jon an ultimatum to either keep his royal bloodline a secret from his family or possibly lose his relationship with her. The performances here are stellar."

6. Tyrion's Failed Peaceful Surrender Order To Cersie
"Although not as dramatically impactful as the Great Sept of Baelor explosion, this is definitely one of my favorite Cersei moments on the show where the character gets to show off both her dangerously unreasonable stubbornness and dominant power. It's also quite the gut punch witnessing Missandei's execution."

The Haunting of Hill House

Season 1
1. Shirley & Theo Get Frightened By Nell's Ghost
"I've seen my fair share of jump scares almost becoming numb to them all by now. Well, that was until I saw Hill House's frightening scene to where Shirley and Theo's heated argument unexpectedly lead to a terrifying surprise by Nell's ghost screaming. I literally jumped up and gasped for air. Talk about a brilliantly effective scare."

2. Olivia Nearly Poisons Her Children
"In one of the most heart racing scenes that I've ever experienced on a show, seeing a mentally unstable Olivia seconds away from poisoning her own children left me utterly speechless. Words cannot describe the epic spiraling into insanity that follows said terrifying moment."

Sharp Objects

Season 1

Trailers: 1st Teaser

The Terror

Honorable Mentions

Season 1
1. The Tuunbaq Ambushes & Kills Sir John
"Of all the countless horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films that I've seen over the decades, this particular creature attack sequence was by far one of the more artistically intriguing in its direction. There was something deeply engaging about witnessing a character's death by some massive creature intimately through their mental and visual perspective as opposed to your typical glorifying shot of the monster in action."

Ash Vs. Evil Dead

Season 1
1. Ash Equips His Chainsaw Before Killing Deadite
"The Evil Dead franchise is filled to the bone with hilariously awesome action scenes of Ash being a total badass, so it's only right that the TV series continues this tradition. Here we have Ash attaching a chainsaw to his arm while leaping in mid-air. Sounds insane? It is...and it's awesome." 

2. Ellagos Attacks Ash & Crew
"As a huge fan of creature designs as well as video games, there was something particularly awesome about the boss battle-like feeling to the scene where Ash and the crew battles Ellagos. The powerful Deadite monstrosity looked like something that crawled right out of Hellraiser or Doom."

Honorable Mentions

Season 3
1. Ash Fights Deadites At A Cryobank
"This scene was pure comedy gold from a porno mag image coming to life and attacking Ash, to a deadite nurse throwing sperm at him while he slips around like a Looney Tunes cartoon fighting her to the tune of A-Ha's 'Take On Me'."

Channel Zero

Honorable Mentions

Season 1
1. Mike's TV Interview Nightmare
"The Channel Zero series is no stranger to utterly eerie and nightmare fuel horror imagery making the first ever scene in the entire series a perfect kick off point for what to expect. Mike's nightmare of going through an awkward interview on TV while the studio staff is revealed to be creepy mannequins was shivers inducing to say the least."

Season 2
1. The Group Experiences Door #2
"One of the most eeriest and suspense driven scenes that I've ever experienced in a horror series. The overall direction of this scene with its smooth flowing camerawork following this mysterious masked figure as he targets specific group members was highly engaging in addition to the tension invoking score." 

The Strain

Season 1
1. The Master Kills His First Victim
"The Master is one of the most interesting vampire characters that I have ever seen. This scene particularly shows how powerful and terrifying he can be more than just being a mysterious figure looming around"

2. Thomas Tortures A Man In A Soundproof Room
"This felt like something ripped right out of the creepiest vampire horror film that never got released. There's definitely a corner of The Strain that strongly plays off on the horror elements of the story which I'd love to see a lot more of. This torture scene was quite unnerving and a prime example of the like."

3. The Master Threatens Eph
"Throughout the entire season, The Master was by far the most interesting thing to look forward to every week. However, this was the first scene to where I felt the series truly delivered on the intimidating and god-like presence of this evil creature."

Honorable Mentions

Season 3
1. Quinlan & The Ancients Vs. Strigoi Army
"Ever since the Ancients were introduced earlier in the series, I've been clamoring to see them in action which is exactly what this scene did as we see them powering through waves of Strigoi alongside Quinlan. This was definitely the best action scene in the entire series so far."

Penny Dreadful

Season 1
1. Ethan Exorcises Vanessa Then Departs
"Penny Dreadful has its fair share of intense character moments, but the scene where Ethan successfully exorcises the demon within Vanessa instead of shooting her followed by him just silently walking away in the distance left me speechless from the high amount of tension"

2. Ethan Unleashes His Werewolf Form
"What makes this scene particularly awesome isn't just the fact that we see Ethan transform into a werewolf and slaughter a bunch of people, but the brilliantly done build up of hints sprinkled throughout the season of whether or not he was indeed a werewolf leading into the big reveal in a violent and visually spectacular way"

Season 2
Trailers: 1st Trailer

Season 3
3. Ethan Transforms & Fights Dracula's Minions
"After Ethan finally transformed at the end of Season 1, I've been patiently waiting for a moment where we get to see him fight off some vampires as a werewolf and I'm happy to say that we finally get to see a proper glimpse of that in Season 3."

4. The Team Vs. Dracula & His Minions
"Watching Sir Malcolm and the team take on waves of vampires was the most badass action scene on the show. Not only do we get to see these unique characters coming together to fight alongside one another in a desperate life threatening conclusion, but we also get to see Dracula fight in all of his physically dominating presence"

5. Vanessa's Death
"This was one of the most bittersweet, surprising, and yet beautiful deaths that I've seen on TV in quite some time. Not only does the lead character die in the series finale, but she also shows a sense of redemption in her final moments making her farewell moment a sad but enlightened one."

The Shannara Chronicles

Season 1
1. The Gauntlet of the Chosen
"I'm usually not a fan of the popular modern day concept of young adult characters being thrown into a violent arena style setting for survival events, but the Gauntlet scene in the first episode was really engaging to watch play out"

2. A Fury Attacks Aunt Pyria & Crew
"This was such an awesome creature attack sequence especially from a visual FX perspective"


Season 1
1. The Scythe's Elevator Massacre
"In regards to villain debuts on television, this is by far one of my all time favorites. Helix introduces The Scythe in a visually badass fashion by having him and his two partners slaughter an elevator full of staff members with scythes after lying to them about being their rescue team. My hype levels were immediately risen for this character."

Season 2
2. Julia Vs. Hiroshi
"This was an amazingly directed fight scene which kept me astonished as I was trying to process the fact that a show about diseases and a corrupted corporation taking over the world would have such a badass fight scene involving a sword and an axe. Gotta love Helix." 

3. Michael Poisons Abbey Community
"Just one of those climactic cliffhanger scenes on television that leaves you shocked from the sheer amount of onscreen deaths alone"

4. The Military Releases A Chemical Weapon
"Another visually amazing scene that caught me off guard on the show displaying a tragic event taking place as a fleet of military planes are shown flying over to release a deadly chemical agent on the island"


Season 1
1. Mary's Voodoo Doll Stalks Anne
"A pretty creepy doll scene that perfectly teased at the possessive powers that Mary wields"

2. Increase Finds A Witch Aboard Ship
"Increase Mather is by far the greatest thing to happen to this show as far as characters go and the scene where he detects, catches, and interrogates an evil witch onboard a ship just shows how much of a legendary witch hunting badass he really is"

3. Anne's Powers Unleash On Her Parents
"The moment where Anne's powers fully unleash accidentally killing off her parents in an emotional telekinetic rage was both visually spectacular as well as dramatically intense. It's an amazing and shocking scene utilizing the classic idea of showcasing an innocent and pure individual transforming into a horrifying monster right before your eyes."

4. Mary Kills Increase Which Begins The Ritual
"I have never seen such a visually striking, horrific, and apocalyptic feeling moment take place in a horror series quite like the final ritual scene on Salem. The sky literally turns red in the wake of some powerful and mysterious dark force which completely engrossed me. This scene was the perfect example of a finale that more than satisfyingly lives up to the anticipation leading into it."

[More To Come...]

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