The X-Men Franchise
1. Magneto Overpowers Police Squad
2. Wolverine Vs. Mystique
X2: United
3. Nightcrawler Invades White House
4. Magneto Breaks Out of Jail
5. X Mansion Invasion
6. Wolverine Flashes Back To Weapon X Escape
7. Wolverine Vs. Lady Deathstrike
8. Jean Sacrifices Herself
X-Men 3: The Last Stand
9. Opening Training Simulation
10. Battle Outside of Jean's Home
11. Phoenix Kills Professor X
12. Magneto Lifts The Golden Gate Bridge
13. Final Battle & Phoenix's End
X-Men: First Class
14. Eric Gets His Revenge on Nazis at a Bar
15. Shaw's Team Attacks CIA Facility
16. Final Battle
17. Eric Kills Shaw
18. Eric Reflects Missiles But Handicaps Charles
X-Men: Days of Future Past
19. Opening Future Battle Against The Sentinels
20. Quicksilver Pentagon Scene
21. Boardroom Rescue Leads To Betrayal
22. Final Future Battle Against The Sentinels
X-Men: Apocalypse
23. Arch Angel's Transformation
24. The Tragedy of Erik's Family
25. Quicksilver Rescues The X Mansion
26. Magneto's Full Power Unleashes
27. Wolverine's Berserker Rage Massacre
28. The X-Men Vs. The Four Horsemen
29. Xavier Vs. Apocalypse
30. Eric Flashes Back To His Friendship With Charles
31. Jean Taps Into The Phoenix Power
32. X-Men Begin Training Against Sentinels
The Avengers Franchise
The Avengers
1. Thor vs Ironman & Captain America
2. Banner Transforms & Attacks Everyone
3. Avengers Vs. Chitauri Army
4. Hulk Tosses Loki Around
5. Ending Credits Thanos Scene
6. Ending Credits Shawarma Scene
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Trailer: SDCC Teaser, 1st Teaser, & 2nd Trailer
7. The Avengers Invade Von Strucker's Base
8. Tony's Vision of the Avengers' Death
9. Ultron is Born and Attempts to Kill J.A.R.V.I.S.
10. Hammer Lifting Contest & Party
11. The Avengers Vs. Ultron & Twins
12. Battle In Sokovia
13. The Vision & Ultron's Final Moment
Avengers: Infinity War
Trailer: 1st and 2nd Trailer
14. The Black Order's 1st Arrival & Battle On Earth
15. Scarlet Witch, Vision, & Cap's Team Vs. The Black Order
16. Battle On Titan
17. Battle In Wakanda
18. Final Charge Against Thanos In Wakanda
19. Thanos Snaps Away Half The Universe
Avengers: Endgame
20. Ronin Slaughters The Yakuza
21. Captain America, Ironman, & Thor Vs. Thanos
22. Final Battle Against Thanos & His Army
23. Tony's Sacrifice & Death
The Deadpool Franchise
1. Opening Credits Sequence
2. Highway Chase & Battle
3. Deadpool Vs. Colossus
4. Montage of Deadpool Hunting For Ajax
5. Deadpool's Interactions With His Cab Driver
6. Deadpool Begins to See Cartoons Around Vanessa
7. Deadpool & The X-Men Vs. Ajax & Angel Dust
8. Deadpool Uses Hugh Jackman's Picture
9. Ending Credits Scene Tributing Ferris Bueler
Deadpool 2
10. Deadpool Narrates His 1st Chase With Sergei
11. Deadpool Vs. Cable (Ice Box Battle)
12. Convoy Chase & Battle
13. Final Battle At The Orphanage
Deadpool & Wolverine
14. Deadpool Vs. Wolverine (1st Fight)
15. Deadpool Vs. Wolverine (2nd Fight)
17. Deadpool's New Team Vs. Cassandra's Team
18. Deadpool & Wolverine Vs. Deadpool Corps
The Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise
Guardians of the Galaxy
1. Starlord Fights to Escape Korath
2. Chase For The Orb
3. Prison Line-Up
4. Prison Break
5. Thanos Threatens Ronin
6. The Guardians Vs. Ronan's Men
7. Starlord Dances to Distract Ronan
8. The Guardians Defeat Ronan
9. Ending Scene
10. Newborn Groot Dances Next to Drax
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
11. Baby Groot Dances During Opening Battle
12. The Guardians Barely Escape The Soverign Fleet
13. The Guardians Crash Land On Planet
14. Rocket Vs. The Ravagers
15. Rocket & Yondu Vs. The Ravagers
16. Rocket & Yondu's 700 Planet Jump
17. The Guardians Vs. Ego & The Sovereign Army
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
18. The Guardians vs the High Evolutionary’s Creations (Corridor Fight)
The Dark Knight Trilogy
Batman Begins
1. Ra's Al Ghul Trains Bruce Wayne
2. Scarecrow Poisons Batman
3. Batman Calls A Swarm of Bats & Glides Through Them
4. Batman Vs. Ras Al Ghul
The Dark Knight
5. Joker's Bank Robbery
6. Joker Interrupts Mob Meeting
7. Joker's Scar Story to Gamble
8. Joker Invades Party & Threatens Rachel
9. Batman Interrogates Joker
10. Joker Escapes Police Custody
11. Joker Blows Up Gotham General
12. Batpod Chase & Joker Confrontation
13. Two Face Threatens Gordon's Family
The Dark Knight Rises
Trailer: 3rd and 4th Trailer
14. Bane Kills His Own Henchman
15. Bane's Attack On The Stock Market
16. Batman Vs. Bane (Sewer Fight)
17. Bane Speaks to Bruce in the Pit
18. Bomb Chase
The Captain America Franchise
Captain America: The First Avenger
1. Steve Sacrifices Himself By Crashing Into The Ice
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
2. Captain America and Black Widow Infiltrates Enemy Ship
3. Nick Fury Barely Escapes From Hydra & The Winter Soldier
4. Steve Chases The Winter Soldier
5. Highway Battle & Winter Soldier Fight
6. Falcon Vs. Helicarriers & Quinjet
7. The Winter Soldier Takes Out SHIELD Agents
8. The Winter Soldier Vs. Falcon
9. Captain America Vs. The Winter Soldier (Finale)
Captain America: Civil War
10. The Avengers Vs. Crossbones & Hydra
11. Black Panther & The Government Chases Bucky
12. The Avengers Vs. A Reactivated Winter Soldier
13. The Avengers Battle Each Other
14. Tony Vs. Steve & Bucky
The Ironman Franchise
1. Opening Ambush Scene
2. Tony Uses the Mark 1 To Escape Terrorists
3. Jericho Missile Test
4. Tony's Suit Tests
5. Ironman Vs. Terrorists
6. Ironman Vs. Iron Mongor
7. Tony Reveals His Identity As Ironman
Ironman 2
8. Suitcase Suit Transformation
9. Black Widow Vs. Security Guards
10. Ironman & War Machine vs. Drones
11. Ironman & Warmachine Vs. Whiplash
Ironman 3
12. Plane Rescue
13. Tony Takes Down His Captors While Roughly Suiting Up
14. Tony Vs. Killian (Final Battle)
The Spider-Man Franchise
1. Peter Discovers & Experiments With His Powers
2. Peter Vs. Flash
3. Spiderman Vs. Bonesaw
4. Spiderman vs. Green Goblin (Final Fight)
Spider-Man 2
5. Doctor Octopus Indirectly Kills Surgeons
6. Spiderman vs. Doctor Octopus (Bank Heist)
7. Spiderman vs. Doctor Octopus (Train Fight)
Spider-Man 3
8. Peter Vs. Hobgoblin
9. The First Reveal of the Black Suit
10. Black Suit Spiderman Vs. Sandman
11. Peter Struggles To Remove The Symbiote
12. Spiderman Saves Gwen
13. Spiderman Defeating Venom
The Wolverine Franchise
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
1. Wolverine and Sabertooth's War Montage
The Wolverine
2. Bullet Train Fight Scene
3. Wolverine Vs. Ninja Clan
4. Yukio Vs. Shingen Yoshida
5. Wolverine Vs. Shingen Yoshida
6. Logan Vs. Car Jackers
7. Logan and X-23 Vs. Reavers (1st Encounter)
8. Xavier's Psychic Outburst At Hotel
9. Logan Vs. X-24 (1st Fight)
10. Logan, X-23, and Mutants Vs. Reavers
11. Logan & X-23 Vs. X-24
12. Logan's Death & Funeral
The Spider-Man Franchise
Spider-Man: Homecoming
1. Peter Tries To Rescue A Splitting Ferry
Spider-Man: Far From Home
2. Spider-Man's First Fight With Mysterio
3. Spider-Man's Final Fight With Mysterio
Spider-Man: No Way Home
4. Matt Murdock Shows Up To Help Peter
5. Peter's Spider Sense Triggers Leading To Green Goblin's Reveal
6. Spider-Man Vs. Green Goblin (Apartment Fight)
7. Other Peter Parkers Show Up Through Ned's Portals
8. The Spider-Men Bond Over Lost Loved Ones
9. Andrew's Peter Saves M.J. & Remembers Gwen
10. Spider-Man Vs. Green Goblin (Final Fight)
11. Other Peter Stops Peter From Killing Green Goblin
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
1. Scott Jumps Out of A Window To Hide From Knives
2. All of Scott's Scene Transitions
3. Narrator Reveals Embarrassing Truths About Scott
4. Scott Vs. Patel
5. Scott Vs. Lucas
6. Scott Vs. The Katayanagi Twins
7. Scott Vs. Todd
8. Ramona & Scott Vs. Roxy
9. Scott Vs. Gideon [Round 1]
10. Scott Vs. Gideon [Round 2]
The Thor Franchise
1. Thor & Asgardians Vs. Frost Giants
2. Asgardians Vs The Destroyer
Thor: The Dark World
3. Invasion On Asgard
4. Thor Vs. Malekith
Thor: Ragnarok
5. Thor Verses Surtur & His Army
6. Thor & Loki's Encounter With Doctor Strange
7. Hela Slaughters Asgard's Army
8. Thor Vs. Hulk
9. Final Battle Against Hela & Her Forces
The 300 Franchise
1. Leonidas Kills Persian Messanger
2. Battle At The Hot Gates
3. Massive Storm Destroys Persian Ships
4. Spartans Encounter Arrow Storm
5. Astanos & Stelios Vs. Persion Soldiers
6. Spartans Vs. The Immortals
7. Leonidas & His Soldiers' Final Stand
8. Dilios' Final Speech
1. Queen Atlanna vs Atlantis Soldiers
2. Aquaman Vs. Orm (First Duel)
3. Aquaman & Mera Vs. Black Manta & His Elite Squad
4. Voyage Through The Trench
5. Aquaman Acquires King Atlan's Trident
6. The Battle for Atlantis
7. Aquaman Vs. Orm (Final Duel)
The Black Panther Franchise
Black Panther
1. T'Challa Vs. M'Baku
2. T'Challa Vs. Killmonger (Ritual Fight)
3. Final Battle
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
4. The Talokans Interrupt A Government Operation
5. Okoye Vs. Attuma
6. The Talokans Invade Wakanda
The Doctor Strange Franchise
Doctor Strange
1. The Ancient One Opens Up Strange's Eye To Other Dimensions
2. Strange & Mordo Fights Kaelicius In The Mirror Dimension
3. Strange & Mordo Fights Kaelicius While Time Reverses
Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness
4. Doctor Strange & America's First Multiversal Travel
5. The Illuminati Cast Reveal
6. The Scarlet Witch Vs. The Illuminati
Trailer: 1st & 2nd Trailer
1. The Comedian Vs. Ozymandias & Death Scene
2. Rorschach's Opening Scene
3. Rorschach Attempts To Escape The Police
4. Prison Fight
5. Nigh Owl II & Rorschach Vs. Ozymandias
6. Rorschach's Death
The Ant-Man Franchise
1. Ant-Man Vs. The Falcon
2. Ant-Man Uses A Diorama To Escape Enemy Fire
3. Ant-Man Vs. Yellow Jacket (Heli/Suitcase Fight)
4. Ant-Man Vs. Yellow Jacket (Cassie's Room)
5. Scott Goes Sub Atomic
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
1. Bus Fight
2. Shang Chi & Xialing Vs. The Ten Rings (Fight Club Escape)
3. Shang Chi Vs. Xu Wenwu (Final Fight)
4. Shang Chi Destroys The Dweller-in-Darkness
Man of Steel
1. Clark's First Flight
2. Faora & Nam-Ek vs. Superman & Military
3. The Terraforming of Earth
4. Superman vs. General Zod (Final Battle)
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
Trailer: Comic-Con Trailer
1. Bruce Witnesses The Metropolis Battle [Ultimate Cut]
2. Batman's Apocalyptic Vision
3. Batman Vs. Lex's Henchmen
4. Superman, Wonder Woman, & Batman Vs Doomsday
The Incredible Hulk
1. Banner's First Hulk Out Scene
2. Hulk vs. Blonsky
3. Hulk vs. Abomination
4. Tony Stark's Introduction
The Hellboy Franchise
1. Kroenen In WWII Fighting American Soldiers
2. Kroenen Kills off Library Security Guards
Hellboy 2
3. Venturing Through The Troll Market
4. The Forest God Is Unleashed & Causes Destruction
The Crow Franchise
The Crow
1. Eric Transforms Himself Into The Crow
2. Eric Kills Off Gangsters In Meeting Room
3. Eric Kills T-Bird/Flaming Crow Finish
4. Final Showdown
The Spider-Verse Franchise
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
1. Miles' Confrontation With The Prowler Leads To His Uncle's Death
2. Spider-Man 2099 Meets Spider-Man From Earth-67
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse
3. The Spider Society Chases Miles Morales
The Suicide Squad Franchise
Suicide Squad
Trailer: Comic-Con Trailer & 1st Trailer
1. The Enchantress Transforms For the Board
The Suicide Squad
2. The Squad Accidentally Massacres An Alley Camp
3. The Squad Confusingly Reacts To Milton's Death
The Lego Batman Movie
1. Batman's Historical Montage
2. Joker's Ultimate Villain Invasion
3. Batman Says Goodbye To Robin
The Kick Ass Franchise
Kick Ass
1. Big Daddy Takes Down Gang In Warehouse
2. Hit Girl's Hallway Fight
Kick Ass 2
3. Hit Girl Vs. Mother Russia
The Ghost Rider Franchise
Ghost Rider
1. Jail Cell Transformation
2. Ghostrider Drives Up Building
3. Carter Slade's Last Ride With Johnny
1. John Exorcises A Demon With A Mirror
2. John Visits Hell & Escapes
3. John Confronts Lucifer
The Mask Franchise
The Mask
1. Stanley's First Outing As The Mask
2. Stanley Dodges Bullets Then Accepts An Academy Award
3. Stanley's Final Mobster Persona
The Tim Burton Batman Franchise
Batman (1989)
1. The Joker's First Kill
2. The Joker Shoots Down The Batwing
3. Batman Vs. The Joker (Rooftop Finale)
The Batman
Trailer: 1st Trailer
1. Batman's Opening Journaling About Being The Shadows
2. Batman Meets With The Joker To Help Profile The Riddler (Deleted Scene)
Zack Snyder's Justice League
1. The Age of Heroes' War Against Darkseid
2. The Justice League Vs. Steppenwolf & His Army (Final Battle)
The Fantastic Four Franchise
Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer
1. Johnny Fails To Catch The Silver Surfer
2. Silver Surfer Confronts & Protects Sue
The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise
The Amazing Spider-Man
1. Spiderman Vs. The Lizard (High School Fight)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
2. Gwen Stacy's Death
The Sin City Franchise
Sin City
1. Marv Vs. Kevin
2. Miho Slaughters Jackie Boy & His Crew
1. Deviants Attack Druig's Village
The Venom Franchise
Venom: Let There Be Carnage
1. Venom Gets Transported To The MCU
Justice League (Theatrical Cut)
1. Final Battle Against Steppenwolf & His Army
Edge of Tomorrow
1. All Time Looped Battle Scenes
The 30 Days of Night Franchise
30 Days of Night
1. Vampire Leader Says "No God" To Victim
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